Page 71 - Demo
P. 71

                                    Sahrap Han%u0131m biraz geriden ba%u015flayacak olursak biraz bize %u00e7ocuklu%u011funuzdan bahseder misiniz? Olduk%u00e7a hareketli, her %u015feyi merak eden, s%u00fcrekli soru soran bir %u00e7ocuk oldu%u011fumu annem ve %u00e7evrem hep s%u00f6ylerdi. Tabii 6 %u00e7ocuklu bir ailede b%u00fcy%u00fcy%u00fcnce, annem hep %u2018Ne %u00e7ok sordun!%u2019 diye bana k%u0131zard%u0131. Hatta ad%u0131m%u0131 %u2018Aksi i%u015fler ba%u015f m%u00fcd%u00fcr%u00fc%u2019 olarak koymu%u015ftu. Ama o d%u00f6nemin %u0130stanbul Teknik %u00dcniversiteli Y%u00fcksek %u0130n%u015faat M%u00fchendisi olan babam bana %u00e7ok anlay%u0131%u015fl%u0131 davran%u0131r ve her %u015feyi anlatmaya %u00e7al%u0131%u015f%u0131rd%u0131. 1960%u2019larda Elaz%u0131%u011f%u2019da babam %u0130ller Bankas%u0131 B%u00f6lge M%u00fcd%u00fcr%u00fc%u2019yd%u00fc ve bana %u0130stanbul%u2019dan bir seri ansiklopedi, d%u00fcnya haritas%u0131 getirmi%u015fti. G%u00fcnler, geceler boyunca t%u00fcm ansiklopedileri okur, ezberlerdim. Ayr%u0131ca okulun da o zaman%u0131n tabiriyle en inek talebesiydim. Ama san%u0131r%u0131m sevimli bir %u00e7ocuktum ki hep beni s%u0131n%u0131f ba%u015fkan%u0131 se%u00e7erlerdi ve %u00f6%u011fretmenlerim de beni yanlar%u0131ndan ay%u0131rmazd%u0131. %u00c7ocuklu%u011funuzun lezzet haf%u0131zas%u0131nda neler var? Sofrada kimler oturuyor? Nas%u0131l sofralar kuruluyor? Masada hangi yemekler, nas%u0131l bir sofra k%u00fclt%u00fcr%u00fc var? Anadolulu bir aileyiz, kalabal%u0131k bir s%u00fclaleyiz ve hep yemeklerin pi%u015fti%u011fi, s%u00fcrekli sofralar%u0131n kuruldu%u011fu, yenilen i%u00e7ilen bir evde b%u00fcy%u00fcd%u00fcm. Annem misafir i%u00e7in su b%u00f6re%u011fi, 40 katl%u0131 baklava ba%u011flayan, 15 dakikada yaprak sarmas%u0131 haz%u0131rlayan, 5 dakikada helva kavuran %u00e7ok becerikli biriydi. K%u0131%u015fl%u0131k sucuklar haz%u0131rlar, sal%u00e7alar yapard%u0131. Babam%u0131n i%u015fi dolay%u0131s%u0131yla da, Anadolu%u2019nun en %u00fccra, elektri%u011fin bile olmad%u0131%u011f%u0131 yerlerini dola%u015f%u0131rd%u0131k. M%u00fchendis Bey gelmi%u015f deyip bize %u015fahane sofralar donat%u0131rlard%u0131. San%u0131r%u0131m damak tad%u0131m, Anadolu mutfa%u011f%u0131na a%u015final%u0131%u011f%u0131m b%u00f6yle geli%u015fti. Annem gidilen her yerde hal%u0131 ve kuyumcu pe%u015fine d%u00fc%u015ferken, babam da buran%u0131n nesi me%u015fhur ne yiyelim derdi.Mrs Sahrap, if we start from a little bit behind, could you tell us a little bit about your childhood? My mother and my circle always told me that I was a very active child, curious about everything and always asking questions. Of course, growing up in a family with 6 children, my mother would always get angry at me saying, %u2018You asked so many questions!%u2019. She even named me %u2018Chief Manager of Otherwise Affairs%u2019. But my father, who was a graduate civil engineer from Istanbul Technical University at the time, was very understanding and tried to explain everything to me. In the 1960s, my father was the Regional Manager of the Bank of Provinces in Elaz%u0131%u011f and he brought me a series of encyclopaedias and world maps from Istanbul. I used to read and memorise all the encyclopaedias for days and nights. I was also the nerdiest student in the school, in the parlance of the time. But I guess I was a cute kid that I was always elected class president, and my teachers would not spare me from their side. What is in the flavour memory of your childhood? Who sits at the table? What kind of tables are set, which dishes are on the table, what kind of table culture is there? We are a family from Anatolia, a crowded clan, and I grew up in a house where food was always cooked, tables were always set, and food and drink were eaten and drunk. My mother was a very skilful person who would bind water pastry and 40 layers of baklava for guests, prepare stuffed leaves in 15 minutes, and roast halva in 5 minutes. She would prepare sausages for the winter and make tomato paste. Because of my father%u2019s job, we used to travel to the most remote parts of Anatolia where there was not even electricity. They would say that Mr Engineer had arrived and they would serve us marvellous meals. I think this is 69%u015eef%u2019in Mutfa%u011f%u0131 / Chef%u2019s Kitchen
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