Page 67 - Demo
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Kafa travmas%u0131 ge%u00e7iren hastalar%u0131n y%u00fczde 5-10%u2019unda koku duyusu kayb%u0131 g%u00f6r%u00fclebilir. Alzheimer Hastal%u0131%u011f%u0131 ve Parkinson Hastal%u0131%u011f%u0131, ya%u015fl%u0131larda demansla ilgili olarak koku bozuklu%u011fu g%u00f6steren iki hastal%u0131kt%u0131r. Toksinlere maruz kalma kal%u0131c%u0131 yada ge%u00e7i%u00e7i koku bozukluklar%u0131na yol a%u00e7abilir.Koku bozukluklar%u0131na yol a%u00e7an di%u011fer sebepler aras%u0131nda depresyon, %u015fizofreni, alkolizm gibi psikiyatrik hastal%u0131klar, metronidazol, amfoterisin B, captopril, etakrinik asit, kodein gibi ila%u00e7lar; rinoplasti, %u00f6n kafa taban%u0131 cerrahisi, total larenjektomi gibi cerrahi m%u00fcdahaleler say%u0131labilir. Total larenjektomideki koku bozuklu%u011fun%u00fcn nedeni havan%u0131n burundan ge%u00e7memesidir.Koku ve psikolojiKimi kokular ho%u015fumuza giderken, kimisi baz%u0131 duygular%u0131m%u0131z%u0131 harekete ge%u00e7irirler, baz%u0131 kokular ise an%u0131lar%u0131m%u0131z%u0131n canlanmas%u0131n%u0131 sa%u011flarlar. Hatta kusmaya, a%u011fr%u0131lara neden olan kokular da vard%u0131r. Kokular%u0131n insan psikolojisine olan etkileri bilinmesine ra%u011fmen bu g%u00fcn %u00f6n%u00fcm%u00fczde ciddi bir engel var: Her koku her insana ayn%u0131 etkiyi yaratm%u0131yor. Yani baz%u0131 insanlar%u0131 cinsel olarak uyaran kokular di%u011fer baz%u0131 insanlarda ayn%u0131 etkiyi yaratm%u0131yor. O zaman her birey kendisi i%u00e7in en uygun olan kokuyu bulmak i%u00e7in denemeler yapmal%u0131.%u201cKad%u0131nlarda Koku Duyusu, Erkeklere Nazaran Daha Kuvvetli%u201d Ara%u015ft%u0131rmalara g%u00f6re; koku duyusunu etkileyen ana fakt%u00f6rler olarak ya%u015f ve cinsiyet %u00f6n plana %u00e7%u0131kmaktad%u0131r. Yap%u0131lan %u00e7al%u0131%u015fmalarda; 60 ya%u015f %u00fczerinde koku duyusunun azalmaya ba%u015flad%u0131%u011f%u0131 ve kad%u0131nlarda koku duyusunun, erkeklere nazaran daha kuvvetli oldu%u011fu bildirilmi%u015ftir.%u201cLavanta ve bergamot beyinde endorfin salg%u0131s%u0131n%u0131 8-12 kat art%u0131r%u0131yor%u201d Beyindeki koku merkezi, psikolojik durumumuzu belirleyen merkezle ba%u011flant%u0131l%u0131 %u00e7al%u0131%u015ft%u0131%u011f%u0131 i%u00e7in, kokular ruhsal 3 durumumuzu ve b%u00fct%u00fcnsel %u015fifam%u0131z%u0131 da olduk%u00e7a yo%u011fun bir %u015fekilde etkilemektedir. Koku ve dokunma gibi iki g%u00fc%u00e7l%u00fc duyu %u00fczerine etkili bir y%u00f6ntem olan aromaterapide kullan%u0131lan bitkisel ya%u011flar%u0131n bile%u015fiminde bulunan u%u00e7ucu bile%u015fenlerin burundaki koku sinirlerini uyarmas%u0131yla beyne giden uyar%u0131lar, koku merkezi ile %u00e7ok yak%u0131n ili%u015fki i%u00e7inde bulunan duygu diseases that show olfactory impairment related to dementia in the elderly. Exposure to toxins can lead to permanent or temporary odour disorders.Other causes of odour disorders include psychiatric illnesses such as depression, schizophrenia, alcoholism, drugs such as metronidazole, amphotericin B, captopril, ethacrynic acid, codeine, and surgical interventions such as rhinoplasty, anterior skull base surgery, and total laryngectomy. Odour disturbance in total laryngectomy is caused by air not passing through the nose.Odour and psychologyWhile some odours are pleasant to us, others stimulate some of our emotions, and some odours make our memories come alive. There are even odours that cause vomiting and pain. Although the effects of odours on human psychology are known, there is a serious obstacle in front of us today: Not every odour has the same effect on every person. In other words, odours that stimulate some people sexually do not have the same effect on others. Then each individual should experiment to find the most suitable scent for themselves.%u2018The sense of smell in women is stronger than in men%u2019 According to researches; age and gender come to the forefront as the main factors affecting the sense of smell. In studies; It has been reported that the sense of smell begins to decrease over the age of 60 and the sense of smell in women is stronger than in men.%u2018Lavender and bergamot increase endorphin secretion in the brain 8-12 times%u2019 Since the olfactory centre in the brain works in connection with the centre that determines our psychological state, scents also affect our psychological state and holistic healing in a very intense way. In aromatherapy, which is a method effective on two strong senses such as smell and touch, the volatile components in the composition of the herbal oils used in aromatherapy stimulate the olfactory nerves in the nose, and the impulses going to the brain activate the emotional centre (limbic system), which is very closely related to the olfactory centre, and specific effects occur. In studies, it has been shown with EEG results that different 65Uzman G%u00f6r%u00fc%u015f%u00fc / Expert Opinion