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                                    71%u015eef%u2019in Mutfa%u011f%u0131 / Chef%u2019s KitchenSiz ayn%u0131 zamanda bir ara%u015ft%u0131rmac%u0131s%u0131n%u0131z, T%u00fcrk ve Anadolu mutfak k%u00fclt%u00fcr%u00fcn%u00fc %u00e7ok iyi bilen az say%u0131daki insanlardan birisiniz. D%u00fcnyan%u0131n k%u00f6kl%u00fc mutfaklar%u0131yla kar%u015f%u0131la%u015ft%u0131rd%u0131%u011f%u0131n%u0131zda bizim mutfa%u011f%u0131m%u0131z i%u00e7in neler s%u00f6ylemek istersiniz?Asl%u0131nda T%u00fcrk ve D%u00fcnya Mutfa%u011f%u0131 ara%u015ft%u0131rmac%u0131l%u0131%u011f%u0131n%u0131 yabanc%u0131lardan %u00f6%u011frendim. 2004 y%u0131l%u0131nda %u2018Bir yemek Masal%u0131%u2019 kitab%u0131m %u0130sve%u00e7%u2019te d%u00fcnya birincili%u011fi al%u0131nca %u00e7ok %u015fa%u015f%u0131rm%u0131%u015ft%u0131m. %u00c7%u00fcnk%u00fc burada Anadolu %u015fehirlerindeki an%u0131lar%u0131m%u0131, oralar%u0131n k%u00fclt%u00fcr%u00fcn%u00fc ve yemeklerini de anlatm%u0131%u015ft%u0131m. Orada bana yemek k%u00fclt%u00fcr%u00fcn%u00fcn %u00f6nemini, bunun bir k%u00fclt%u00fcr miras%u0131 oldu%u011funu anlatt%u0131lar. Bu maceram da b%u00f6yle ba%u015flad%u0131. Yakla%u015f%u0131k 25 senedir b%u00fcy%u00fck bir tutkuyla ve azimle, Anadolu mutfa%u011f%u0131n%u0131 ara%u015ft%u0131r%u0131yorum, derliyorum ve ar%u015fivliyorum. San%u0131r%u0131m bu anlamda en b%u00fcy%u00fck ar%u015fiv bendedir. Toplamda 20 kitab%u0131m var. En son g%u00f6%u00e7lerle %u015fekillenen T%u00fcrk Mutfa%u011f%u0131, Aile Miras%u0131 Re%u00e7eteler kitab%u0131m%u0131 haz%u0131rlad%u0131m. %u0130lerde bu kitaplar%u0131n kaynak olarak kullan%u0131laca%u011f%u0131na inan%u0131yorum. Kimya end%u00fcstrisine ula%u015fan bir dergide, bu soruyu size %u015f%u00f6yle sormal%u0131y%u0131m san%u0131r%u0131m. Lezzetli bir yeme%u011fin kimyas%u0131, olmazsa olmaz%u0131 sizce nedir? Lezzetli bir yeme%u011fin her zaman bir kimyas%u0131, simyas%u0131 vard%u0131r. Pi%u015firme teknikleri, kullan%u0131lan baharatlar%u0131n dengesi, sebzelerin mevsimselli%u011fi do%u011fru orant%u0131lan%u0131rsa ortaya lezzetli bir sonu%u00e7 %u00e7%u0131kar. Ama her %u015feyin ba%u015f%u0131nda yeme%u011fe sevginizi katman%u0131z %u015fart. Ben her %u015fey den %u00f6nce yemek yedirmeyi %u00e7ok seven bir insan%u0131m. O y%u00fczden yemek yapmay%u0131 da her zaman %u00e7ok sevdim ve o %u00f6zen ve sevgiyle yemeklerimi haz%u0131rlad%u0131m. Benim lezzetli yemeklerimin kimyas%u0131nda en ba%u015fta sevgi var diyebilirim. Can you tell us about your business life after graduation? How does your story of becoming a professional caterer begin?After graduation, I got a job in companies where my METU brothers worked. Then I established Sahrap Trade independently and imported chemicals. I even used to enter tenders. My father was one of the first contractors to go to Saudi Arabia. When he needed me, I used to help him because I spoke English. Now, as I tell this story, I realise that I was actually involved in everything. When my husband Dr Nuri Soysal became one of the first plastic surgeons, they called us to Istanbul. We moved to Istanbul, where I worked for an insurance company and became the Engineering Manager. In 1998, after my first son was born, I took a break from working when the twins were born, and completely by coincidence, I started cooking programmes on television upon an offer.You are also a researcher and one of the few people who know the Turkish and Anatolian culinary culture very well. What would you like to say about our cuisine when you compare it with the well-established cuisines of the world?I was very surprised when my book %u2018A Food Tale%u2019 won the first prize in Sweden in 2004, because I had described my memories of Anatolian cities, their culture and food. There they told me about the importance of food culture and that it was a cultural heritage. This is how my adventure started. I have been researching, compiling and archiving Anatolian cuisine with great passion and determination for about 25 years. I think I have the biggest archive in this sense. I have 20 books in total. Most recently, I prepared my book Turkish Cuisine shaped by migrations, Family Heritage Recipes. I believe that these books will be used as a source in the future. In a magazine that reaches the chemical industry, I think I should ask you this question as follows. What do you think is the chemistry, the sine qua non of a delicious meal? A delicious dish always has a chemistry, an alchemy. If the cooking techniques, the balance of the spices used, the seasonality of the vegetables are correctly proportioned, a delicious result is obtained. But at the beginning of everything, you have to add your love to the food. I am a person who loves to feed food before everything else. That%u2019s why I have always loved cooking and prepared my meals with that care and love. I can say that the chemistry of my delicious meals is primarily love.
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