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                                    Tarih boyunca kokular%u0131n insan %u00fczerindeki etkileri incelenmi%u015f ve %u00e7e%u015fitli hastal%u0131klar%u0131n iyile%u015ftirilmesinde kullan%u0131lm%u0131%u015ft%u0131r. Evrimsel olarak bak%u0131ld%u0131%u011f%u0131nda koku, duyular%u0131m%u0131z i%u00e7erisinde en ilkel ancak en %u00f6nemli olan%u0131d%u0131r. Ceninde koklama sistemine ait h%u00fccreler beyin h%u00fccrelerinden daha %u00f6nce geli%u015firler ve koku alma sinirleri v%u00fccutta yenilenen tek sinir h%u00fccreleridir.%u0130lkel %u00e7a%u011flarda hayatta kalabilmemiz i%u00e7in duyu organlar%u0131m%u0131z%u0131 maksimum seviyede kullanmam%u0131z gerekiyordu. O d%u00f6nemlerde tehlikeleri farketmede %u00e7ok %u00f6nemli olan koku g%u00fcn%u00fcm%u00fczde %u00f6nemini yitirmesine ra%u011fmen beyin ve psikolojik ya%u015fant%u0131m%u0131zdaki etkileri hala s%u00fcr%u00fcyor. Koku alma duyumuz ile ruhsal d%u00fcnyam%u0131z aras%u0131nda ciddi ba%u011flant%u0131 vard%u0131r. Koklama; beyinle d%u0131%u015f d%u00fcnya aras%u0131ndaki en do%u011frudan ba%u011flant%u0131d%u0131r. %u0130%u00e7g%u00fcd%u00fclerimiz, ruh halimiz, haf%u0131zam%u0131z, duygular%u0131m%u0131z ile hormanal sistemimiz aras%u0131nda yak%u0131ndan ili%u015fkilidir.Koku da di%u011fer duyular%u0131m%u0131zda oldu%u011fu gibi, d%u0131%u015far%u0131dan gelen baz%u0131 uyaranlar%u0131n mesela burada baz%u0131 u%u00e7ucu kimyasal maddelerin v%u00fccudumuzda kendilerine uygun alg%u0131lay%u0131c%u0131 (resept%u00f6r) h%u00fccreleri etkilemesi sonucu tetiklenen bir dizi karma%u015f%u0131k sinirsel s%u00fcre%u00e7 ile alg%u0131lan%u0131r. Neticede yap%u0131lan %u015fey, kimyasal sinyallerin kimyasal alg%u0131lay%u0131c%u0131lar (kemoresept%u00f6rler) arac%u0131l%u0131%u011f%u0131yla, beynin anlayabilece%u011fi sinirsel sinyallere d%u00f6n%u00fc%u015ft%u00fcr%u00fclmesidir.Koku duyusunun bozulmas%u0131Hava ak%u0131m%u0131n%u0131n regio olfactoria%u2019ya ula%u015fmas%u0131n%u0131 engelleyen obstr%u00fcktif patolojiler koku duyusunun azalmas%u0131na veya kaybolmas%u0131na neden olabilir. %u00dcst solunum yolu enfeksiyonlar%u0131nda koku bozuklu%u011fu olur. Throughout history, the effects of odours on humans have been studied and used in the treatment of various diseases. From an evolutionary point of view, smell is the most primitive but the most important of our senses. In the foetus, the cells of the olfactory system develop earlier than the brain cells, and the olfactory nerves are the only nerve cells in the body that regenerate.In primitive times, we had to use our senses to the maximum in order to survive. Although smell, which was very important in recognising dangers at that time, has lost its importance today, its effects on our brain and psychological life still continue. There is a serious connection between our sense of smell and our spiritual world. Smelling is the most direct connection between the brain and the outside world. It is closely related to our instincts, mood, memory, emotions and hormonal system.Smell, like our other senses, is perceived by a series of complex neural processes triggered by the effect of certain external stimuli, such as volatile chemicals, on the receptor cells in our body. What happens is that chemical signals are converted by chemical sensors (chemoreceptors) into neural signals that the brain can understand.Impaired sense of smellObstructive pathologies that prevent the airflow from reaching the regio olfactoria may cause a decrease or disappearance of the sense of smell. In upper respiratory tract infections, olfactory impairment occurs. Loss of sense of smell can be seen in 5-10 per cent of patients with head trauma. Alzheimer%u2019s Disease and Parkinson%u2019s Disease are two Cabir %u00c7obano%u011flu64Kurucu / FounderKimyager / ChemistCBR Unique EsansUzman G%u00f6r%u00fc%u015f%u00fc / Expert OpinionKokular%u0131n B%u00fcy%u00fcleyici D%u00fcnyas%u0131 Fascinating World of Fragrances
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