Page 64 - Demo
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SYN%u00ae-COLL CB in vivo etkinli%u011fi, ya%u015f ortalamas%u0131 43 olan 33 %u00c7inli kad%u0131n g%u00f6n%u00fcll%u00fc aras%u0131nda y%u00fcr%u00fct%u00fclen sekiz haftal%u0131k, yar%u0131m y%u00fcz %u00fczerinde, kontroll%u00fc ve randomize bir %u00e7al%u0131%u015fmada de%u011ferlendirilmi%u015ftir. %2,5 SYN%u00ae-COLL CB i%u00e7eren bir nemlendirici g%u00fcnde iki kez uygulanm%u0131%u015ft%u0131r. Sonu%u00e7 de%u011ferlendirmeleri FOITS ve Cutometer%u00ae teknikleri ile yap%u0131lm%u0131%u015ft%u0131r; fotograflar VISA CR taraf%u0131ndan %u00e7ekilmi%u015ftir. Grafik 2. Bir ay kullan%u0131m sonras%u0131nda 35-43 ve 44-52 ya%u015f aras%u0131 ile kar%u015f%u0131la%u015ft%u0131r%u0131ld%u0131%u011f%u0131nda cilt p%u00fcr%u00fczl%u00fcl%u00fc%u011f%u00fcn%u00fc ve ortalama k%u0131r%u0131%u015f%u0131kl%u0131k derinli%u011fini belirleyen t%u00fcm g%u00f6n%u00fcll%u00fclerde k%u0131r%u0131%u015f%u0131kl%u0131k azalmas%u0131 sonucunun y%u00fczdesini g%u00f6stermektedir. SYN%u00ae-COLL C efficacy was evaluated in an eightweek, split-face, vehicle-controlled, randomized study conducted among 33 female Chinese volunteers with an average age of 43. 2.5% SYN%u00ae-COLL CB containing moisturizer was applied twice daily. Results evaluations were performed by FOITS and cutometer%u00ae techniques; pictures taken by VISA CR.Graph 2. % Wrinkle-reduction result in one month among all subjects identifying skin roughness and mean wrinkle depth compared to ages between 35-43 and 44-52 years of age.%u00dcr%u00fcn Tan%u0131t%u0131m%u0131 / Product Presentation62G%u00f6rsel 2. Sa%u00e7%u0131n nem tutuculu%u011funu g%u00f6steren bu grafikte, SHAROHYAL%u00ae Moringa plaseboya k%u0131yasla hyaluronik asitin su tutmas%u0131na atfedilen %u00f6nemli derecede nemlendirme etkisini g%u00f6stermektedir. *Bu %u00fcr%u00fcn tan%u0131t%u0131m yaz%u0131s%u0131 dsm-firmenich%u2019in %u2018 SYN%u00ae-COLL CB Collagen Banking for Skin Well-aging, 2024 %u2018 adl%u0131 bro%u015f%u00fcr%u00fcnden derlenmi%u015f ve T%u00fcrk%u00e7eye %u00e7evrilmi%u015ftir.*This advetorial has been compiled from dsm-firmenich %u2018 SYN%u00ae-COLL CB Collagen Banking for Skin Well-aging, 2024 %u2018 brochure and translated to Turkish.Visual 2. Hair Moisture content graph; SHAROHYAL%u00ae Moringa shows significant moisturization effect attributed to hyaluronic acid water retention vs placebo.