Page 29 - Demo
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27E%u011fitim durumunuzdan ve sekt%u00f6rdeki profesyonel %u00f6zge%u00e7mi%u015finizden bahsedebilir misiniz?%u0130smim Koray Kocasakal, 1981 %u0130stanbul do%u011fumluyum. %u0130lkokul, ortaokul ve lise y%u0131llar%u0131m %u0130stanbul%u2019da ge%u00e7ti. Liseden sonra Amerika%u2019da yakla%u015f%u0131k iki y%u0131l marketing %u00fczerine e%u011fitim g%u00f6rd%u00fcm. Sonra T%u00fcrkiye%u2019ye geldim ve Bah%u00e7e%u015fehir %u00dcniversitesi %u0130%u015fletme Fak%u00fcltesini bitirdim. Asl%u0131nda profesyonel i%u015f hayat%u0131mla e%u011fitim hayat%u0131m hep birlikte gitti. Babam%u0131z bizi yaz tatillerinde hep firmaya getirirdi. Bu nedenle yaz%u0131n iki bu%u00e7uk %u00fc%u00e7 ay hi%u00e7 tatil yapt%u0131%u011f%u0131m%u0131 hat%u0131rlamam, i%u015f hep vard%u0131 bizim hayat%u0131m%u0131zda. Buras%u0131 her zaman bizim sorumluluk alan%u0131m%u0131z gibiydi. %u00dcniversite ve askerlik s%u00fcrecinden sonra da tam anlam%u0131yla profesyonel olarak Teknik Kimya %u015firketinde %u00e7al%u0131%u015fmaya ba%u015flad%u0131m. %u015eirketin farkl%u0131 departmanlar%u0131nda %u00e7al%u0131%u015ft%u0131m. %u00d6nce depo ve lojistikte %u00e7al%u0131%u015ft%u0131m, daha sonra muhasebede birka%u00e7 y%u0131l g%u00f6rev ald%u0131m. Sonras%u0131nda pazarlaman%u0131n ba%u015f%u0131na ge%u00e7tim ve yakla%u015f%u0131k 6 y%u0131ld%u0131r da Teknik Kimya CEO%u2019su olarak g%u00f6revimi s%u00fcrd%u00fcrmekteyim.Firman%u0131z%u0131n kurulu%u015f hikayesini sizden dinlemek isteriz%u2026Arma%u011fan Kimya 1989 y%u0131l%u0131n%u0131n Temmuz ay%u0131nda kuruldu. O d%u00f6nemde tekstil T%u00fcrkiye%u2019de h%u0131zl%u0131 bir b%u00fcy%u00fcme g%u00f6steriyordu ve Mehmet Bey%u2019in de tekstil ve boya ile ilgili ciddi bir ge%u00e7mi%u015fi vard%u0131. Dolay%u0131s%u0131yla tekstil yard%u0131mc%u0131 kimyasallar%u0131 ile ba%u015flad%u0131k. O d%u00f6nem %u00c7orlu, Bursa ve Denizli%u2019de de ofislerimiz vard%u0131. Ayn%u0131 zamanda %u0130talya%u2019da da Mondo ad%u0131nda, ayn%u0131 paralelde kurdu%u011fumuz bir %u015firketimiz vard%u0131. Oradan ciddi anlamda hammadde de al%u0131yorduk. Bir y%u0131l sonra da, poli%u00fcretan yard%u0131mc%u0131 kimyasallar%u0131yla ilgili iki %u0130talyan %u015firketinin distrib%u00fct%u00f6rl%u00fc%u011f%u00fcn%u00fc ald%u0131k. Dolay%u0131s%u0131yla bizim i%u00e7in tekstil kimyasallar%u0131 ve poli%u00fcretan asl%u0131nda paralel y%u00fcr%u00fcd%u00fc. Tekstilde %u00fcreticiydik, poli%u00fcretan taraf%u0131nda ise distrib%u00fct%u00f6rd%u00fck. Could you tell us about your educational and your professional background in the industry?My name is Koray Kocasakal, I was born in Istanbul in 1981. I spent my primary, middle and high school years in Istanbul. After high school, I studied marketing in the USA for about two years. Then I came to Turkey and graduated from Bah%u00e7e%u015fehir University, Faculty of Business Administration. In fact, my professional business life and my education life went together. Growing up, our father would always bring us to the company during summer vacations. Because of this, I don%u2019t recall ever having a full two-and-a-half or three-month break in the summer, work was always a part of our lives. This was always like our area of responsibility. After university years and military service, I started to work professionally at Teknik Kimya. I worked in different departments of the company. First I worked in warehousing and logistics, then I worked in accounting for a few years. Afterwards, I became the head of marketing and I have been the CEO of Teknik Kimya for about 6 years.We would like to hear the story of the foundation of your company...Arma%u011fan Kimya was founded in July 1989. At that time, textiles were growing rapidly in Turkey and Mr. Mehmet had a extensive background in textiles and dyeing. Therefore, we started with textile auxiliary chemicals. At the time, we also had offices in %u00c7orlu, Bursa and Denizli. At the same time, we had a company called Mondo in Italy, which we established in parallel. A year later, we became the distributor of two Italian companies for polyurethane auxiliary chemicals. Therefore, textile chemicals and polyurethane actually went hand in hand for us, we were manufacturers in textiles and distributors in polyurethane.R%u00f6portaj / Interview