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                                    25Makale / ArticleKaynak%u00e7a / References[1][2] Saroha, K., Yadav, B., & Sharma, B. (2011). Transdermal patch: A discrete dosage form. Int J Curr Pharm Res, 3(3), 98-108.[3][4] %u00e7i%u00e7ek Bezir, N., Evcin, A., & Oktay, A. Ag Katk%u0131l%u0131 TiO2 Nanofiberlerin %u00dcretim ve Karakterizasyonu. Afyon Kocatepe %u00dcniversitesi Fen Ve M%u00fchendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 14(3), 315-318.[5] Bantlar%u0131n FEGSEM Morfolojik AnaliziFarkl%u0131 b%u00fcy%u00fctmelerde FEGSEM morfolojik analizleri ger%u00e7ekle%u015ftirilmi%u015ftir. Y%u00fczey %u00f6zellikleri hakk%u0131nda bilgi almak i%u00e7in QUANTA marka FEI FEG 450 model cihaz%u0131 ile FEGSEM morfolojik analiz sa%u011flanm%u0131%u015ft%u0131r.Sonu%u00e7lar ve Tart%u0131%u015fmaPU film %u00fczerine C ve E vitamini sol%u00fcsyonu elektrospinning teknolojisi ile p%u00fcsk%u00fcrt%u00fclm%u00fc%u015ft%u00fcr. Elde edilen yap%u0131n%u0131n morfolojik analizi, FEGSEM kullan%u0131larak ger%u00e7ekle%u015ftirilmi%u015ftir. FEGSEM ile yap%u0131lan incelemede, ince liflerin i%u00e7ine g%u00f6m%u00fcl%u00fc mikron ve nanopartik%u00fcllerin bulundu%u011fu tespit edilmi%u015ftir. Bu partik%u00fcller, vitaminlerin homojen bir %u015fekilde da%u011f%u0131ld%u0131%u011f%u0131 ve lifler i%u00e7inde e%u015fit bir bi%u00e7imde yerle%u015fti%u011fi g%u00f6zlemlenmi%u015ftir. Sonu%u00e7 olarak, elektrospinning y%u00f6ntemiyle %u00fcretilen bu poli%u00fcretan filmde, C ve E vitaminlerinin partik%u00fclleri, lifler aras%u0131nda d%u00fczg%u00fcn bir %u015fekilde da%u011f%u0131lm%u0131%u015f ve yap%u0131 i%u00e7inde iyi bir da%u011f%u0131l%u0131m g%u00f6stermi%u015ftir. Bu homojen da%u011f%u0131l%u0131m, film matrisinin fonksiyonel %u00f6zelliklerini ve vitaminlerin etkinli%u011fini art%u0131rabilecek bir %u00f6zellik olarak de%u011ferlendirilmi%u015ftir.FEGSEM Morphological Analysis of Transdermal PatchesFEGSEM morphological analyses were performed at different magnifications. To obtain information about the surface characteristics, FEGSEM morphological analysis was conducted using the QUANTA brand FEI FEG 450 model device.Results and DiscussionA solution of C and E vitamins was sprayed onto a PU film using electrospinning technology. The morphological analysis of the obtained structure was carried out using FEGSEM. The examination with FEGSEM revealed that micron and nanoparticulates were embedded within the fine fibers. These particles were observed to be homogeneously distributed and evenly settled within the fibers. As a result, in this polyurethane film produced by the electrospinning method, the particles of C and E vitamins were evenly distributed among the fibers and showed a good distribution within the structure. This homogeneous distribution is considered a feature that could enhance the functional properties of the film matrix and the efficacy of the vitamins.%u015eekil 5. PU tabanl%u0131 C ve E vitaminli transdermal band%u0131m%u0131z%u0131n FEGSEM g%u00f6r%u00fcnt%u00fcs%u00fc Figure 5. FEGSEM image of our PU-based C and E vitamin transdermal patch
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