Page 70 - Demo
P. 70
68k%u00fcnden, derisinden, kemiklerinden, boynuzlar%u0131ndan, tendonlar%u0131ndan ya%u015fam ve sava%u015f aletleri %u00fcrettik. %u0130nsanl%u0131k bug%u00fcn%u00fcne hayvanlardan b%u00fcy%u00fck oranda faydalanarak ula%u015ft%u0131. Deri, en geni%u015f alanda kullan%u0131lan de%u011ferli ve faydal%u0131 bir hammadde. End%u00fcstriyel de%u011feri kadar estetik de%u011feri de var. Ben de bu de%u011ferden faydalan%u0131yorum.Deri uzun zamand%u0131r teknolojinin becerisiyle 0.4 mm kal%u0131nl%u0131%u011f%u0131nda g%u00f6mlek kuma%u015f%u0131 gibi ince ve yumu%u015fak, 6.5 mm kal%u0131nl%u0131%u011f%u0131nda taban k%u00f6sele olarak masif ah%u015fap gibi %u00fcretilebiliyor. %u00dczerine uygulanan kli%u015fe bask%u0131, boya bask%u0131, lazer kaz%u0131ma, aplikeler vs yoluyla da estetik g%u00f6r%u00fcn%u00fcm ve tu%u015feler kazand%u0131r%u0131l%u0131yor. B%u00fct%u00fcn bunlar deriyi engin geni%u015flikte end%u00fcstriyel bir de%u011fer yap%u0131yor. Burada benim i%u00e7in tasar%u0131m karakterime en uygun olan%u0131 k%u00f6sele. Bahad%u0131r K%u00f6se ve k%u00f6sele. K%u00f6sele; bence de%u011ferini maalesef bulamam%u0131%u015f bir malzeme. End%u00fcstriyel olarak neredeyse ayakkab%u0131 taban%u0131ndan ba%u015fka bir yerde kullan%u0131lm%u0131yor diyebiliriz. Oysaki y%u0131llard%u0131r kulland%u0131%u011f%u0131m gibi kat kat yap%u0131%u015ft%u0131r%u0131p tornayabiliyorsunuz, kal%u0131playarak %u00e7ok dayan%u0131kl%u0131 formlar elde edebiliyorsunuz, derin lazer kaz%u0131mayla m%u00fcthi%u015f r%u00f6lyefler yapabiliyorsunuz. Elbette bu tariflerim end%u00fcstriyel %u00fcretim s%u00fcre%u00e7lerine pek uygun de%u011fil. Bu teknikleri butik tasar%u0131mlar yapanlar kullanabilir daha %u00e7ok. Yine konuyu buradan bir yere ba%u011flayal%u0131m; g%u00fcn%u00fcm%u00fczde ba%u011f%u0131ms%u0131z tasar%u0131mc%u0131lar ve at%u00f6lyelerin neredeyse yoklu%u011fu sorununa.Son birka%u00e7 y%u0131lda kendi deri at%u00f6lyesini a%u00e7an bir%u00e7ok insan%u0131 g%u00f6r%u00fcyoruz. Genelde YouTube videolar%u0131ndan izleyerek veya temel birka%u00e7 %u015feyi g%u00f6steren at%u00f6lyelerden ders fed on animals and made tools for survival and warfare from their fur, leather, bones, horns and tendons. Humanity owes much of its progress to the use of animals. Leather is a valuable and useful raw material used in a wide range of fields. It has both industrial and aesthetic value. I also benefit from this value.For a long time, leather has been produced in different forms through the prowess of technology %u20140.4 mm thick, soft like a shirt fabric, or 6.5 mm thick, as solid as wooden soles. Techniques such as embossing, print, laser engraving and appliqu%u00e9s give leather aesthetic looks and textures. All of this makes leather a vast and valuable industrial resource. For me, the material that best suits my design character is leather. Bahad%u0131r K%u00f6se and leather. Leather, in my opinion, is an underrated material. Industrially, it%u2019s almost only used for shoe soles.However, as I%u2019ve been doing for years, you can layer and shape it, achieving strong forms. You can create incredible reliefs through deep laser engraving. Of course, my methods are not very suitable for industrial production processes. These techniques are more for boutique designers. Again, I%u2019d like to tie this point to the issue of the near absence of independent designers and workshops today. In recent years, we%u2019ve seen many people open their leather workshops. Most of these come about by watching YouTube videos or attending basic workshops that teach only a few things. There are even countless templates sold online. However, without the important cultural and technical background I%u2019ve been mentioning from the start, these efforts remain quite weak.T%u00fcrk Tasar%u0131mc%u0131lar / Turkish Designers