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R%u00f6portaj / Interview56Prolab Ayakkab%u0131 olarak, %u00fcretim s%u00fcre%u00e7lerinizde hangi metotlar%u0131 ve teknolojileri kullan%u0131yorsunuz? Biz hala t%u00fcm %u00c7in ve Vietnam seyahatlerimizde, fabrikalar%u0131n kulland%u0131%u011f%u0131 teknolojileri g%u00f6zden ge%u00e7iriyoruz. Fabrikam%u0131za entegre edebilece%u011fimiz yeni bir teknoloji, yeni bir makine varsa bunu hemen getirtiyoruz. Yurt d%u0131%u015f%u0131ndaki muadillerimizden %u015fu anda teknolojik olarak, hi%u00e7bir fark%u0131m%u0131z%u0131n olmad%u0131%u011f%u0131n%u0131 g%u00f6n%u00fcl rahatl%u0131%u011f%u0131yla ifade edebilirim. AR-GE konusunda tamamen Skechers%u2019%u0131n yapm%u0131%u015f oldu%u011fu koleksiyonlardan %u00fcretim yap%u0131yoruz. Ama d%u00fcnyada sat%u0131%u015f%u0131 olmayan, sadece T%u00fcrkiye%u2019ye %u00f6zg%u00fc modeller de geli%u015ftiriyoruz. %u00d6rne%u011fin globalde babet modelimizin sat%u0131%u015f%u0131 yok. Ama biz T%u00fcrkiye%u2019de t%u00fcm tabanlar%u0131n %u00fczerine babet modelleri geli%u015ftiriyoruz.Ayakkab%u0131 sekt%u00f6r%u00fcnde m%u00fc%u015fteri beklentileri son y%u0131llarda ne y%u00f6nde de%u011fi%u015fti ve bu de%u011fi%u015fimlere nas%u0131l adapte oluyorsunuz?Son y%u0131llarda spor ayakkab%u0131 %u00f6zelinde en %u00f6nemli beklenti rahatl%u0131k. Skechers da bu konuda %u00f6nc%u00fc bir rol %u00fcstleniyor diyebiliriz. Yani Skechers spor ayakkab%u0131 ile konfor ayakkab%u0131 konseptini birle%u015ftiren tek marka oldu. Bunu da bir inovasyon, bir yenilik olarak yapt%u0131 ve ad%u0131na da %u201cmemory foam%u201d dedi. Ayakkab%u0131 mostras%u0131na bug%u00fcne kadar hi%u00e7bir firma bu anlamda bir yenilik getirmemi%u015fti. Bunu Skechers ba%u015fard%u0131. Daha sonra Skechers%u2019%u0131n yapt%u0131%u011f%u0131 mostralar%u0131 bir%u00e7ok global marka da kopyalad%u0131 ve ayn%u0131lar%u0131n%u0131 yapt%u0131. Ama bunu ilk Skechers yapt%u0131%u011f%u0131 i%u00e7in t%u00fcketicinin g%u00f6z%u00fcnde en rahat ayakkab%u0131n%u0131n Skechers oldu%u011fu alg%u0131s%u0131 devam ediyor. As Prolab Ayakkab%u0131, which methods and technologies do you use in your production processes?We are still reviewing the technologies used by factories in all our visits to China and Vietnam. If there is a new technology, a new machine that we can integrate into our factory, we import it immediately. I can state confidently that we are technologically no different from our counterparts abroad. In terms of R&D, we produce entirely from the collections made by Skechers. However, we also develop models that are not sold in the world and are unique to Turkey. For example, our babette model is not sold globally. But in Turkey, we are developing babette models on all soles.How have customer expectations in the footwear industry changed in recent years and how do you adapt to these changes?In recent years, the most important expectation for sneakers is comfort. We can say that Skechers is taking a pioneering role in this regard. In other words, Skechers is the only brand that combines the concept of sneakers and comfort shoes. The company did this as an innovation and called it %u201cmemory foam.%u201d No company had ever brought an innovation to the footwear market in this sense. Skechers did it. Afterwards, many global brands copied Skechers%u2019 outfits and made the same ones. But since Skechers was the first to do this, the perception that Skechers is the most comfortable shoe in the eyes of the consumer continues.What is the growth strategy of Skechers brand in Turkey and how do you implement this strategy?Turkey is currently one of the countries where Skechers is sold the most in the world. We received the best distributor award for three years in a row. In other words, we are growing more in Turkey than the growth created by Skechers itself all over the world. We act with a smooth operation, prioritizing customer service and taking feedback into account. Along with these, we also maintain price stability. In this way, we are on our way to becoming the biggest sneaker supplier in Turkey.How do your quality control processes work in shoe production?Skechers has a quality control system that is applied to its manufacturers worldwide. We apply the same processes internally here. We have a quality control team that is completely independent of production. This way, with the feedback we receive from them, we can intervene in time to prevent any potential issues from affecting the final product. Skechers already has a highly rigorous quality control system in place, and we uphold those same standards with equal diligence and commitment.R%u00f6portaj / Interview