Page 62 - Demo
P. 62
60Safa Bey meslek hayat%u0131n%u0131z bir yetenek avc%u0131s%u0131n%u0131n sizi ke%u015ffetmesiyle ivme kazan%u0131yor diyebilir miyiz? San%u0131r%u0131m diyebiliriz. G%u00fczel sanatlar sonras%u0131 %u00e7e%u015fitli firmalarda %u00e7al%u0131%u015f%u0131yor ve bir yandan da kendimi geli%u015ftirmeye devam ediyordum. %u0130%u015fler %u00e7al%u0131%u015ft%u0131%u011f%u0131m firmada %u00e7ok iyi gitmiyordu. Ben de kendime farkl%u0131 bir yol %u00e7izmeye karar verdim. 6 ay boyunca her g%u00fcn tasar%u0131mlar yap%u0131p sosyal medyamdan payla%u015ft%u0131m. 2016 y%u0131l%u0131nda bir g%u00fcn telefonuma bir mail geldi. Bu ki%u015fi Nike%u2019%u0131n yetenek avc%u0131s%u0131yd%u0131. Me%u011fer aylard%u0131r %u00e7al%u0131%u015fmalar%u0131m%u0131 takip ediyorlarm%u0131%u015f. Beni ABD%u2019ye davet ettiler ne Nike i%u00e7in %u00e7al%u0131%u015fmaya ba%u015flad%u0131m. 2,5 sene sonra da Balmain%u2019den teklif al%u0131p Paris%u2019e yerle%u015ftim.%u0130talya, ABD, Fransa%u2026 3 farkl%u0131 %u00fclke, 3 farkl%u0131 k%u00fclt%u00fcr. Sizce bu %u00fclkeler size neler katt%u0131?%u0130talya%u2019n%u0131n, teknik ve kalite; Amerika%u2019n%u0131n, performans; Fransa%u2019n%u0131n ise, estetik olarak tasar%u0131m anlay%u0131%u015f%u0131ma katk%u0131da bulundu%u011funu s%u00f6yleyebilirim.%u00c7ok %u00f6zg%u00fcn, s%u0131ra d%u0131%u015f%u0131 tasar%u0131mlar yap%u0131yorsunuz. Tasar%u0131mlar%u0131n%u0131zda en %u00e7ok nelerden ilham ald%u0131%u011f%u0131n%u0131z%u0131 merak ediyorum.Her %u015feyden diyebilirim. %u00c7ok geni%u015f bir ilham alan%u0131m var. %u0130lham ald%u0131%u011f%u0131m %u015feyler birbirinden %u00e7ok ba%u011f%u0131ms%u0131z ve de%u011fi%u015fken olabiliyor. Bazen bir %u015feye kap%u0131l%u0131yorum bir s%u00fcre tasar%u0131mlar%u0131m o konu %u00fczerinden devam ediyor, sonra ilgim ba%u015fka bir alana, farkl%u0131 bir ilhama kayabiliyor. Ge%u00e7mi%u015f senelerden bahsedecek olursak daha %u00e7ok metaverse, scifi, cyberpunk gibi konulardan ilham ald%u0131%u011f%u0131m%u0131 s%u00f6yleyebilirim. %u015eimdilerde ise silent luxury ilgimi %u00e7ekiyor. Do%u011fal dokular ve renkler, deniz canl%u0131lar%u0131 dokular%u0131 hatta b%u00f6cekler%u2026 Mr. Sahin, would you say that your career gained momentum after being discovered by a talent scout? I think we can say that. After studying fine arts, I worked at various companies while continuing to improve myself. Things weren%u2019t going so well at the company I was working for, so I decided to carve out a different path for myself. For six months, I created designs every day and shared them on my social media. One day in 2016, I received an email on my phone. It was from a talent scout at Nike. Apparently, they had been following my work for months. They invited me to the U.S., and I started working for Nike. After 2.5 years, I received an offer from Balmain and moved to Paris.Italy, the USA, France%u2026 3 different countries, 3 different cultures. What do you think these countries have contributed to you?I can say that Italy contributed to my technical skills and quality, the USA to performance, and France to my aesthetic understanding of design.You create very unique and extraordinary designs. I%u2019m curious about what inspires your designs the most.I could say everything. My sources of inspiration are very broad. The things that inspire me can be completely unrelated and variable. Sometimes I get fixated on something, and for a while, my designs revolve around that topic, then my interest shifts to a different field, to a new inspiration. If I talk about past years, I can say I was mostly inspired by themes like the metaverse, sci-fi, and cyberpunk. Lately, I%u2019ve been more interested in silent luxury. Natural textures and colors, marine creature textures, and even insects%u2026T%u00fcrk Ayakkab%u0131 Tasar%u0131mc%u0131lar%u0131 / Turkish Shoe Designers