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                                    48Ancak %u015fu an Avrupa%u2019ya taban satan firmalar da maliyetler sebebiyle %u00e7ok zorlan%u0131yorlar. Ayakkab%u0131 sekt%u00f6r%u00fcndeki arkada%u015flar%u0131ma tavsiyem ucuz i%u015f g%u00fcc%u00fcn%u00fcn kullan%u0131lamayaca%u011f%u0131 katma de%u011feri y%u00fcksek %u00fcr%u00fcnlere, deri %u00fcr%u00fcnlere y%u00f6nelmeleri. %u00d6n%u00fcm%u00fczdeki birka%u00e7 sene bu %u015fekilde gidece%u011fi i%u00e7in tedbirler almam%u0131z gerekiyor. Etraf%u0131m%u0131zda her tarafta sava%u015f var. Rusya, Ukrayna en %u00e7ok sat%u0131%u015f yapt%u0131%u011f%u0131m%u0131z %u00fclkelerdi, %u015fimdi durumlar%u0131 malum. Buna ra%u011fmen ayakkab%u0131 sekt%u00f6r%u00fcn%u00fcn %u00e7ok iyi dayand%u0131%u011f%u0131n%u0131 s%u00f6yleyebilirim. Devlet maalesef baz%u0131 sekt%u00f6rleri g%u00f6zden %u00e7%u0131karm%u0131%u015f gibi g%u00f6z%u00fck%u00fcyor. Tekstil ve ayakkab%u0131daki istihdam, %u00fcretim, ciro kay%u0131plar%u0131 inan%u0131lmaz boyutlarda. Ayn%u0131 zamanda ihracatta da b%u00fcy%u00fck bir d%u00fc%u015f%u00fc%u015f ya%u015f%u0131yoruz. 2014 y%u0131l%u0131ndan beri ayakkab%u0131 sekt%u00f6r%u00fc ihracatta cari fazla veren bir sekt%u00f6rd%u00fc. %u0130lk defa 2023%u2019te 170 milyonla cari a%u00e7%u0131k verdik. Bu seneki a%u00e7%u0131k ise 500 milyon dolar%u0131n %u00fczerinde. %u0130thalat d%u00fc%u015f%u00fck kur sebebiyle art%u0131yor. Yine kurdan %u00f6t%u00fcr%u00fc bizim %u00fcretti%u011fimiz %u00fcr%u00fcnler pahal%u0131 kald%u0131%u011f%u0131 i%u00e7in ihracat%u0131m%u0131z d%u00fc%u015f%u00fcyor. Bu konularda da acil tedbir almak zorunday%u0131z. Sekt%u00f6r temsilcileri olarak hemfikir oldu%u011fumuz konu h%u00fck%u00fcmet yetkililerinin maalesef bizi g%u00f6rmezden geldikleri. %u015eu an i%u00e7in devletimizin %u00f6nceli%u011fi katma de%u011feri y%u00fcksek teknolojik %u00fcr%u00fcnlerden yana gibi g%u00f6z%u00fck%u00fcyor. Ge%u00e7ti%u011fimiz hafta %u00c7al%u0131%u015fma Bakan%u0131m%u0131zdan istihdamda en az%u0131ndan sigorta primleri ile ilgili destek talebinde bulunduk. Ancak taleplerimiz hen%u00fcz olumlu kar%u015f%u0131lanmad%u0131. Kredilere ula%u015fmak %u00e7ok zor ya hi%u00e7 yok ya da %u00e7ok y%u00fcksek maliyetli. Dolay%u0131s%u0131yla %u015fu an devletimizden beklentimiz %u00e7ok y%u00fcksek. Ama enflasyonla m%u00fccadele kapsam%u0131nda al%u0131nan tedbirler maalesef bizim %u00f6n%u00fcm%u00fcz%u00fc t%u0131k%u0131yor. Bu da sekt%u00f6r i%u00e7in %u00e7ok zor. Konkordatolar ve iflaslar ba%u015flad%u0131 maalesef. %u00d6denmeyen %u00e7eklerde de %130 gibi bir art%u0131%u015f var. G%u00f6revlerimizden dolay%u0131 pek %u00e7ok insanla konu%u015fuyoruz. Gelecek ile ilgili maalesef bir belirsizlik i%u00e7indeyiz ve bu durumun k%u0131sa s%u00fcrmeyece%u011fi belli. D%u00fcnk%u00fc toplant%u0131m%u0131zda bir arkada%u015f%u0131m%u0131z Rusya%u2019y%u0131 unutun dedi. Hem sava%u015ftan hem uygulanan ambargolardan Rusya %u00e7ok h%u0131rpaland%u0131 ve mal satmak art%u0131k iyice zorla%u015ft%u0131. Etraf%u0131m%u0131z b%u00f6yleyken, kur bu kadar d%u00fc%u015f%u00fckken, %u00c7in, Vietnam gibi %u00fclkeler bu kadar agresifken, bizler bir yandan artan maliyetler bir yandan krediye ve finansa ula%u015f%u0131m zorlu%u011fu bir yandan da t%u00fcketicinin al%u0131m g%u00fcc%u00fcn%u00fcn d%u00fc%u015fmesinden kaynaklanan talep eksikli%u011fini ekledi%u011fimiz zaman b%u00fcy%u00fck bir %u00e7%u0131kmaz i%u00e7indeyiz. Ben arkada%u015flar%u0131ma %u00f6zellikle deri %u00fcr%u00fcnlere y%u00f6nelmelerini tavsiye ediyorum. Kendi derisini hem de y%u00fcksek kalitede %u00fcreten bir %u00fclke olmam%u0131z sebebiyle T%u00fcrkiye%u2019nin hala deri ayakkab%u0131da %u015fans%u0131 var. Ustalar%u0131m%u0131z, modelcilerimiz, %u00fcreticilerimiz iyi kalitede %u00fcretimler yapabiliyorlar. Ancak bu %u015fekilde bir %u00e7%u0131k%u0131%u015f yolu bulabiliriz. sell shoes, but now the companies that sell soles to Europe are also having a very difficult time due to costs. My advice to my friends in the shoe industry is to turn to high value-added products, leather products, where cheap labor cannot be used. We need to take measures as the next few years will go like this. There is war all around us. Russia and Ukraine were the countries we used to sell to the most, but now their situation is well-known. Despite this, I can say that the shoe industry is holding up very well.Unfortunately, it seems that the state has discarded some sectors. Employment, production and turnover losses in textiles and footwear are incredible. At the same time, we are also experiencing a big decline in exports. Since 2014, the footwear sector was a sector that gave a current surplus in exports. For the first time in 2023, we had a current account deficit of 170 million dollars. This year%u2019s deficit is over 500 million dollars. Imports are increasing due to low exchange rates. Again, our exports are decreasing because the products we produce are expensive due to the exchange rate. We have to take urgent measures on these issues. As sector representatives, we agree that government officials unfortunately ignore us. For the time being, the priority of our state seems to be in favor of technological products with high added value. Last week, we requested support from our Minister of Labor for at least insurance premiums in employment, but our demands have not yet been met positively. It is very difficult to access loans, either there are none or they are very costly. Therefore, our expectations from our government are very high right now. But unfortunately, the measures taken within the scope of the fight against inflation are blocking our way. This is quite difficult for the sector. Unfortunately, concordats and bankruptcies have started. There is also a 130% increase in unpaid checks. We are in contact with many people because of our duties. Unfortunately, we are in an uncertainty about the future and it is clear that this situation will not last long. In our meeting yesterday, one of our friends said forget about Russia. Russia has suffered a lot from both the war and the sanctions and it has become very difficult to sell goods. When we are surrounded by such a situation, when the exchange rate is so low, when countries such as China and Vietnam are so aggressive, when we add the increasing costs on the one hand, the difficulty in accessing credit and finance on the one hand, and the lack of demand due to the decrease in the purchasing power of the consumer on the other hand, we are in a big dilemma. I advise my friends to turn to leather products in particular. Turkey still has a chance in leather shoes because we are a country that produces its own leather in high quality. Our craftsmen, modelers and manufacturers can produce good quality products. Only in this way can we find a way out.Sekt%u00f6r %u0130ncelemesi / Sector Review
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