Page 45 - Demo
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43T%u00fcrkiye Deri Sanayicileri Derne%u011fi 1927 y%u0131l%u0131ndan bu yana T%u00fcrk deri i%u015fleme sekt%u00f6r%u00fcn%u00fc temsil eden ilk ve tek ulusal nitelikli sivil toplum kurulu%u015fudur. Sekt%u00f6rdeki di%u011fer t%u00fcm sivil yap%u0131lanmalar%u0131n da temelini olu%u015fturmu%u015ftur. Bug%u00fcne geldi%u011fimizde hem %u00fclkemizde hem de uluslararas%u0131 kurulu%u015flar nezdinde T%u00fcrk deri i%u015fleme sekt%u00f6r%u00fcn%u00fc temsil eden tek kurulu%u015f olarak kabul g%u00f6rerek faaliyetlerine devam etmektedir. Sekt%u00f6rel sorunlar%u0131n ve %u00e7%u00f6z%u00fcm %u00f6nerilerinin ilgili mercilere iletilmesi her sivil toplum kurulu%u015funun oldu%u011fu gibi bizim de temel %u00e7al%u0131%u015fma alan%u0131m%u0131zd%u0131r. Uluslararas%u0131 toplant%u0131lara kat%u0131larak T%u00fcrk deri sekt%u00f6r%u00fcn%u00fc temsil etme, zaman zaman uluslararas%u0131 heyetleri a%u011f%u0131rlayarak tecr%u00fcbe de%u011fi%u015fimini sa%u011flama gibi faaliyetler de y%u00fcr%u00fct%u00fcyoruz. Sekt%u00f6r olarak d%u00fcnyan%u0131n %u00f6nemli tedarik%u00e7ilerinden biriyiz. %u00dcr%u00fcnlerimizin y%u00fcksek kalitede olmas%u0131 bu alanda tercih edilirli%u011fimizin en %u00f6nemli sebeplerinden biri. %u00dcr%u00fcnlerimizin bu kalitesini de elbette yeti%u015fmi%u015f insan g%u00fcc%u00fcm%u00fcze bor%u00e7luyuz. Bug%u00fcne kadar sekt%u00f6rdeki tecr%u00fcbemizi tasar%u0131mla da harmanlayarak T%u00fcrk deri ve deri %u00fcr%u00fcnleri alg%u0131s%u0131n%u0131 y%u00fcksek bir seviyeye %u00e7%u0131kard%u0131k. Bu alg%u0131y%u0131 daha da ileriye ta%u015f%u0131may%u0131 ve hem %u00fcretimi hem de ihracat%u0131 art%u0131rmay%u0131 hedefliyoruz. Ancak, bu hedefin en %u00f6nemli bile%u015feni olan yeti%u015fmi%u015f eleman bulma konusunda son y%u0131llarda %u00e7ok ciddi s%u0131k%u0131nt%u0131lar ya%u015f%u0131yoruz. %u00d6yle ki, insan kayna%u011f%u0131 sekt%u00f6r%u00fcm%u00fcz%u00fcn en %u00f6nemli problemlerinden birisi haline gelmi%u015f durumda. Deri i%u015fleme sekt%u00f6r%u00fcn%u00fcn en %u00f6nemli insan kayna%u011f%u0131 deri m%u00fchendislerini yeti%u015ftiren bir kurumumuz var. Ege %u00dcniversitesi Deri M%u00fchendisli%u011fi b%u00f6l%u00fcm%u00fc, uzun y%u0131llard%u0131r nitelikli insan kayna%u011f%u0131 temininde %u00f6nemli bir rol %u00fcstlenmi%u015f durumda. Biz de sekt%u00f6r olarak Deri M%u00fchendisli%u011fi b%u00f6l%u00fcm%u00fcn%u00fc desteklemek %u00fczere gelen her talebi kar%u015f%u0131lamaya %u00e7al%u0131%u015f%u0131yoruz. 2019 y%u0131l%u0131nda Ticaret Bakanl%u0131%u011f%u0131m%u0131z%u0131n deste%u011fi ile burs projesi hayata ge%u00e7mi%u015f ve b%u00f6l%u00fcm%u00fc tercih eden %u00f6%u011frencilere maddi destek sa%u011flanm%u0131%u015ft%u0131r. Bunun haricinde mezun olan %u00f6%u011frencilere de i%u015f garantisini her f%u0131rsatta dile getiriyoruz ve mezun olan %u00f6%u011frencilerimizin sekt%u00f6rde %u00e7al%u0131%u015fmak istemesi halinde istihdam edilmelerini sa%u011fl%u0131yoruz. Bu kapsamda T%u00fcrkiye Deri Sanayicileri Derne%u011fi ve Deri M%u00fchendisli%u011fi b%u00f6l%u00fcm%u00fc aras%u0131nda olu%u015fturulmu%u015f The Turkish Leather Industrialists Association has been the first and only nationally qualified non-governmental organization representing the Turkish leather processing sector since 1927. It has also laid the foundation for all other civil structures in the sector. Today, we continue our activities as the only recognized organization representing the Turkish leather processing sector both in our country and in the presence of international organizations. Addressing sectoral issues and conveying proposed solutions to the relevant authorities is a fundamental area of work for us, as it is for any non-governmental organization. We also participate in international meetings to represent the Turkish leather industry and occasionally host international delegations to facilitate the exchange of experiences.As a sector, we are one of the world%u2019s important suppliers. One of the main reasons for our preference in this field is the high quality of our products. We owe the quality of our products, of course, to our trained workforce. So far, we have combined our experience in the sector with design, elevating the perception of Turkish leather and leather products to a high level. Our goal is to further enhance this perception and increase both production and exports. However, in recent years, we have faced serious difficulties in finding qualified personnel, which is the most important component of this goal. Human resources have become one of the most significant problems in our sector. We have an institution that trains the key human resources for the leather processing industry: the Leather Engineering Department at Ege University, which has played an important role in providing qualified human resources for many years. As a sector, we try to meet every request to support the Leather Engineering Department. In 2019, a scholarship project was implemented with the support of the Ministry of Trade, providing financial assistance to students who choose the department. Additionally, we constantly emphasize the job guarantee for graduates, ensuring that those who want to work in the sector are employed. In this context, there is a human resource pool formed between the Turkish Leather Industrialists Association and the Leather Sector Review / Sekt%u00f6r %u0130ncelemesiUluslararas%u0131 Deri Sanayicileri Konseyi (ICT) Ba%u015fkan%u0131 ve T%u00fcrkiye Deri Sanayicileri Derne%u011fi Ba%u015fkan%u0131 President of the International Council of Tanners (ICT) and the Turkish Leather Industrialists AssociationBurak Uyguner