Page 48 - Demo
P. 48
46Sekt%u00f6r %u0130ncelemesi / Sector ReviewSekt%u00f6rle ilk tan%u0131%u015fmam 1986 y%u0131l%u0131nda %u0130stanbul %u00dcniversitesi %u0130ktisat b%u00f6l%u00fcm%u00fcnde okurken oldu. Sekt%u00f6rden arkada%u015flar%u0131m%u0131n faaliyet g%u00f6sterdi%u011fi Gedikpa%u015fa%u2019ya %u00e7ok s%u0131k gidip gelirdim. Mezun olur olmaz, sekt%u00f6rden bir arkada%u015f%u0131mla 1991 y%u0131l%u0131nda hem ayakkab%u0131 hem ayakkab%u0131 yan sanayinde faaliyet g%u00f6stermek %u00fczere ilk %u015firketimizi kurduk. Zaman zaman ayakkab%u0131 %u00fcretimi yapsak da esas alan%u0131m ayakkab%u0131 taban %u00fcretimi oldu. 1992 y%u0131l%u0131nda ilk AYSAF Fuar%u0131%u2019na kat%u0131ld%u0131m. San%u0131r%u0131m fuar%u0131n en eski kat%u0131l%u0131mc%u0131lar%u0131ndan%u0131m. 33 sene sonra yine ayn%u0131 i%u015fi yapmakla beraber sekt%u00f6rde baz%u0131 temsil etti%u011fim yerler var. TASEV Y%u00f6netim Kurulu Ba%u015fkan%u0131y%u0131m, Ayakkab%u0131 Yan Sanayicileri Derne%u011fi Y%u00f6netim Kurulu Ba%u015fkan Yard%u0131mc%u0131s%u0131y%u0131m, %u0130stanbul Ticaret Odas%u0131 Meclis %u00dcyesi olarak da g%u00f6rev yapmaktay%u0131m. G%u00fcn%u00fcm%u00fczde teknoloji %u00e7ok geli%u015fti ve ayakkab%u0131 sekt%u00f6r%u00fcnde de robotik makinalar kullan%u0131lmaya ba%u015fland%u0131. Ama ne kadar makinele%u015firsek makinele%u015felim her makinenin ba%u015f%u0131nda mutlaka bir insan, bir operat%u00f6r olmak zorunda. Dolay%u0131s%u0131yla ayakkab%u0131 sekt%u00f6r%u00fc d%u00fcn oldu%u011fu gibi bug%u00fcn de ve hatta yar%u0131n da emek yo%u011fun bir sekt%u00f6r olmaya devam edecek. Emek yo%u011fun sekt%u00f6rlerde %u00f6ncelik ucuz i%u015f g%u00fcc%u00fcne sahip %u00fclkelerde maalesef. T%u00fcrkiye bug%u00fcn gelinen noktada ucuz i%u015f g%u00fcc%u00fcne sahip bir %u00fclke de%u011fil. Rakiplerimizde %u00f6rne%u011fin %u00c7in%u2019de ayl%u0131kgelir 450 dolar, Vietnam 180 dolar, Hindistan 100 dolar%u0131n alt%u0131nda, M%u0131s%u0131r 120 dolar, Romanya, Polonya, Macaristan, S%u0131rbistan, Arnavutluk en fazla gelir 850 Euro civar%u0131nda. Bizdeyse bir ayakkab%u0131 ustas%u0131 yeme%u011fi, yolu, k%u0131dem tazminat%u0131 vs her %u015feyi hesaplad%u0131%u011f%u0131m%u0131zda yakla%u015f%u0131k 1500 dolar gibi bir maa%u015f al%u0131yor. Bunlarla bile rekabet edemiyoruz. Emek yo%u011fun sekt%u00f6rlerde i%u015f, i%u015fi daha ucuza yapan %u00fclkelere do%u011fru kay%u0131yor.Ben kendi ad%u0131ma daha katma de%u011feri y%u00fcksek %u00fcr%u00fcnler %u00fcretmeye gayret ediyorum. Zaten en ba%u015f%u0131ndan beri T%u00fcrkiye%u2019de en kaliteli taban %u00fcreten firmalardan biri olduk. Hammadde, kal%u0131p, i%u015f%u00e7ilik kalitesinden hi%u00e7 %u00f6d%u00fcn vermemeye %u00e7al%u0131%u015ft%u0131k. Uzun y%u0131llar Avrupa ile %u00e7al%u0131%u015ft%u0131m ancak Avrupa%u2019da %u00fcretim bitti. Avrupa%u2019ya taban satmak %u00e7ok zor. Sonra biz ayakkab%u0131 satmaya ba%u015flad%u0131k. I first encountered the shoe industry in 1986 while studying Economics at Istanbul University. During that time, I frequently visited Gedikpa%u015fa, where many of my friends were active in the sector. After graduating, I founded our first company with a friend from the sector in 1991 to operate in both the shoe and shoe sub-industry. Although we occasionally produced shoes, my primary focus was on shoe sole manufacturing. In 1992, I participated in the first AYSAF Fair. I think I am one of the oldest participants of the fair. Now, 33 years later, while still active in the same field, I also hold various leadership roles. I am the Chairman of the Board of Directors of TASEV, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Turkish Footwear Industry Suppliers Association, and I also serve as a Member of the Assembly of the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce. Today, technology has developed a lot and robotic machines have started to be used in the shoe industry. But no matter how mechanized we become, there has to be a human, an operator at the head of every machine. Therefore, the shoe industry will continue to be a labor-intensive sector today and even tomorrow as it was yesterday. Unfortunately, in labor-intensive sectors, priority is given to countries with cheap labor. Today, Turkey is not a country with cheap labor. For instance, in China, the average wage is around $450, in Vietnam it%u2019s $180, and in India it%u2019s below $100. In Egypt, it%u2019s $120, and even in European countries like Romania, Poland, Hungary, Serbia, and Albania, wages are around 850 Euros at most. In Turkey, however, a shoemaker%u2019s total earnings, including food, transportation, severance pay, and other benefits, amount to roughly $1500. Competing with these countries on labor costs alone has become nearly impossible, leading to a shift in production towards places where labor is cheaper.For my part, I strive to manufacture products with higher added value. We have been one of the companies producing the highest quality soles in Turkey since the very beginning. We tried not to compromise on the quality of raw materials, molds and workmanship. I worked with Europe for many years, but production in Europe has ended and it is very difficult to sell soles to Europe. Then we started to Y%u0131lmaz Polat Taban Firma SahibiTASEV Y%u00f6netim Kurulu Ba%u015fkan%u0131Y%u0131lmaz Polat TabanChairman of the Board / TASEVY%u0131lmaz Polat