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                                    44bir insan kayna%u011f%u0131 havuzu var. Yeni personel arayan sanayicilerimizle adaylar%u0131m%u0131z aras%u0131nda bir k%u00f6pr%u00fc g%u00f6revi g%u00f6r%u00fcyoruz.Deri %u00fcr%u00fcnleri %u00fcreticileri olarak, bu d%u00f6nemde hem yeni pazar geli%u015ftirme hem de mevcut pazarlardaki pay%u0131m%u0131z%u0131 art%u0131rmak %u00fczere %u00f6nemli %u00e7al%u0131%u015fmalar y%u00fcr%u00fct%u00fcyoruz. %u00d6zellikle AB %u00fclkelerinin, Uzak Do%u011fu %u00fclkelerinden %u00e7ekilen sipari%u015flerinde T%u00fcrk deri %u00fcr%u00fcnleri %u00fcreticileri bu durumu f%u0131rsata %u00e7evirmeyi ba%u015farm%u0131%u015ft%u0131r. Pandeminin etkisini yitirmesiyle h%u0131zla ticaret ve al%u0131m faaliyetlerimizi organize etmeye ba%u015flad%u0131k. G%u00fcney Kore, ABD ve %u0130ngiltere pazarlar%u0131 ba%u015fta olmak %u00fczere, sekt%u00f6r%u00fcn %u00f6nemli ithalat%u00e7%u0131 %u00fclkelerinde pazar pay%u0131m%u0131z%u0131 art%u0131rmay%u0131; s%u00fcrd%u00fcr%u00fclebilir bir ihracat yakalamay%u0131 hedefliyoruz. ABD bir%u00e7ok sekt%u00f6rde oldu%u011fu gibi deri ve deri mamulleri olarak adland%u0131rd%u0131%u011f%u0131m%u0131z ve i%u00e7erisinde ayakkab%u0131, saraciye, tabakhane ve deri/k%u00fcrk konfeksiyon sekt%u00f6rlerinde de d%u00fcnyan%u0131n en b%u00fcy%u00fck ithalat%u00e7%u0131s%u0131. Dolay%u0131s%u0131yla ABD, bizim i%u00e7in her zaman %u00e7ok %u00f6nemli bir hedef pazar.Sekt%u00f6r%u00fcm%u00fcz i%u00e7in yat%u0131r%u0131m her zaman b%u00fcy%u00fck %u00f6nem ta%u015f%u0131yor. %u00d6zellikle ayakkab%u0131, saraciye, deri konfeksiyon ve mobilya d%u00f6%u015femelik alt segmentlerinde kapasite art%u0131%u015f%u0131n%u0131 sa%u011flayacak yat%u0131r%u0131mlara ihtiya%u00e7 var. Burada %u00f6nemli olan bu yat%u0131r%u0131mlar%u0131n finansman%u0131n%u0131n sa%u011flanmas%u0131. Devletimizin ye%u015fil ve s%u00fcrd%u00fcr%u00fclebilir ekonomi modeli i%u00e7in de yeni finansman modelleri %u00fczerinde %u00e7al%u0131%u015ft%u0131%u011f%u0131n%u0131 biliyoruz. Yeni %u00e7%u0131kacak finansman modellerine eri%u015fimin m%u00fcmk%u00fcn oldu%u011fu kadar kolay olmas%u0131 deri sekt%u00f6r%u00fcne de b%u00fcy%u00fck katk%u0131 sa%u011flar. Bitmi%u015f %u00fcr%u00fcn %u00fcretimimizi y%u00fckselterek, markal%u0131 ve katma de%u011ferli ihracat%u0131m%u0131z%u0131 art%u0131rmal%u0131y%u0131z. %u00c7o%u011funlu%u011funu KOB%u0130 %u00f6l%u00e7e%u011findeki firmalar%u0131n olu%u015fturdu%u011fu sekt%u00f6r%u00fcm%u00fczde %u2018S%u0131n%u0131rda Karbon D%u00fczenleme Mekanizmas%u0131%u2019 nedeniyle olu%u015fabilecek yeni maliyetler de k%u00fc%u00e7%u00fck kar marjlar%u0131yla faaliyet g%u00f6steren firmalar%u0131n rekabet avantaj%u0131n%u0131 do%u011frudan etkileyecek. Bu nedenle, uluslararas%u0131 alandaki rekabet avantaj%u0131n%u0131n s%u00fcrd%u00fcr%u00fclebilmesi i%u00e7in sekt%u00f6rel d%u00f6n%u00fc%u015f%u00fcm%u00fcn ba%u015flat%u0131lmas%u0131 b%u00fcy%u00fck %u00f6nem ta%u015f%u0131yor. Firmalar%u0131n yapacaklar%u0131 yat%u0131r%u0131mlar%u0131 desteklemek amac%u0131yla yat%u0131r%u0131m ve finans te%u015fviklerinin sa%u011flanmas%u0131 ye%u015fil d%u00f6n%u00fc%u015f%u00fcm s%u00fcreci i%u00e7in olduk%u00e7a faydal%u0131 olacakt%u0131r.Deri, binlerce y%u0131ld%u0131r var ve insano%u011flunun do%u011fal et t%u00fcketimi devam etti%u011fi s%u00fcrece de var olmaya devam edecek. %u00d6zellikle s%u00fcrd%u00fcr%u00fclebilirli%u011fi konu%u015ftu%u011fumuz bu d%u00f6nemde derinin alternatif di%u011fer t%u00fcm materyaller kar%u015f%u0131s%u0131nda daha s%u00fcrd%u00fcr%u00fclebilir bir materyal oldu%u011funu biliyoruz. E%u011fer, bu alandaki m%u00fccadelemiz ba%u015far%u0131ya ula%u015f%u0131rsa deri %u00fcretimi daha %u00f6n plana %u00e7%u0131kacakt%u0131r. Elbette %u00f6zellikle %u00fcniversiteye haz%u0131rlanan gen%u00e7lerin %u00f6n%u00fcnde bir%u00e7ok se%u00e7enek var. Deri M%u00fchendisi olmak da bu %u00e7er%u00e7evede %u00f6nemli bir se%u00e7enek olarak duruyor. Engineering Department. We act as a bridge between our industrialists looking for new personnel and the candidates.As leather product manufacturers, we are carrying out significant efforts to both develop new markets and increase our share in existing ones. Turkish leather product manufacturers have particularly turned the situation into an opportunity by capitalizing on the shift in orders from Far Eastern countries by EU countries. With the pandemic%u2019s impact diminishing, we swiftly began organizing our trade and procurement activities. We aim to increase our market share in major importing countries, especially South Korea, the US, and the UK, and to achieve sustainable exports. The US, as in many sectors, is the world%u2019s largest importer in the leather and leather goods sectors, including footwear, leather goods, tanneries, and leather/ fur apparel. Therefore, the US has always been a very important target market for us. Investment is always of great importance for our sector. In particular, there is a need for investments that will increase capacity in sub-segments such as footwear, leather goods, leather apparel, and furniture upholstery. The key point here is providing the financing for these investments. We know that our government is working on new financing models for a green and sustainable economy model. Easy access to these new financing models will also greatly contribute to the leather sector. We need to increase our production of finished goods and boost our branded and value-added exports. In our sector, which is predominantly composed of SMEs, new costs that may arise due to the %u2018Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism%u2019 will directly affect the competitive advantage of companies operating with small profit margins. Therefore, it is of great importance to initiate sectoral transformation to sustain international competitiveness. Providing investment and financial incentives to support companies%u2019 investments would be highly beneficial for the green transformation process.Leather has existed for thousands of years and will continue to exist as long as humankind consumes natural meat. Especially in this period when we are discussing sustainability, we know that leather is a more sustainable material compared to all other alternatives. If our efforts in this area succeed, leather production will come to the forefront. Of course, young people preparing for university have many options ahead of them. Becoming a Leather Engineer also stands out as an important option in this regard.Sekt%u00f6r %u0130ncelemesi / Sector Review
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