Page 41 - Demo
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                                    39Bu konuda kimi zaman m%u00fc%u015fteri odakl%u0131, butik tarz%u0131 %u00fcretim yapabilme kabiliyetimiz hem i%u00e7 piyasada hem de d%u0131%u015f piyasalarda bizleri daha tercih edilir hale getirebiliyor.Sekt%u00f6r%u00fc sizce gelecekte ne gibi geli%u015fmeler bekliyor?D%u00fcnya ve %u00fclkemiz ekonomisine bakt%u0131%u011f%u0131m%u0131z zaman k%u0131sa vadede sonu%u00e7lar%u0131n olumlu g%u00f6r%u00fcnd%u00fc%u011f%u00fcn%u00fcn s%u00f6ylenemeyece%u011fi herkesin malumu. M%u00fccadele alanlar%u0131m%u0131z %u00e7ok %u00e7e%u015fitli%u2026 Bir yandan %u00c7in%u2019in her alanda oldu%u011fu gibi sekt%u00f6r%u00fcm%u00fczde de uygulad%u0131%u011f%u0131 d%u00fc%u015f%u00fck ekonomik %u00fcr%u00fcn arz%u0131, di%u011fer yanda Avrupa vs. gibi kalite merkezli piyasalar%u0131n taleplerinin do%u011fru kar%u015f%u0131lanmas%u0131 zorunlulu%u011fu, hedef sat%u0131%u015f %u00fclkelerindeki sava%u015f hali, hammaddedeki d%u0131%u015fa ba%u011f%u0131ml%u0131l%u0131%u011f%u0131m%u0131z%u0131n getirdi%u011fi a%u011f%u0131r y%u00fck, yurtd%u0131%u015f%u0131 pazar%u0131nda kimi %u00fclkelerin ciddi ekonomik k%u0131s%u0131tlamalar%u0131 sonucu a%u015f%u0131lamayan d%u00f6viz transferi s%u0131k%u0131nt%u0131s%u0131, yurt i%u00e7i vadelerinWhat kind of products do you offer to the industry?Our products, which are primarily preferred in the footwear industry but can also appeal to different production areas, include Pinpon / Bombe, reinforcement materials and products called Fortluk. With these products of different quality and varieties, we are able to meet both economic and high-quality production needs.As a result of our work on the use of recycling, which has been emphasized frequently in recent years, we aim to make a name for ourselves in this field.Technology is making a significant impact across every field. Could you tell us about the new technologies you use both in your production activities and your products? What kind of work do you conduct to adapt to new technologies?We are fully acquainted with the technology and equipment involved in producing our materials and make use of them in our operations. As in every field, technology in our industry is developing every year and it is not possible to make progress without keeping up with it. In this context, we strive to increase our investments with maximum effort. This development is not only about mechanization but also about raw materials. Chemists working in our company follow local and global developments in these fields...What principles do you prioritize to ensure customer satisfaction and manufacture high-quality products?I think that customer satisfaction is an area of expertise that can often lead you forward in terms of the content and quality of the materials requested and enable you to produce products with newer and different features, opening new horizons. Manufacturers who can identify this area well and fulfill its requirements can improve themselves and therefore their service/product quality.In this regard, our ability to make customer-oriented, boutique-style production can sometimes make us more preferable both in the domestic and foreign markets.What developments do you think await the industry in the future?Considering both the global economy and our own, it is clear that the short-term outlook is far from positive. Our areas of struggle are quite diverse... The low economic product supply applied by China in our industry as in every field, the necessity to meet the demands of quality-centered markets such as Europe etc. correctly, the state of war in target sales countries, the heavy burden caused by our foreign dependence on raw materials, the shortage of foreign currency transfer that cannot be overcome as a result of serious economic restrictions of some countries in the foreign market, long periods in Interwiev / R%u00f6portaj
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