Page 40 - Demo
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                                    38Teknoloji her alanda a%u011f%u0131rl%u0131%u011f%u0131n%u0131 hissettiriyor. Sizin gerek %u00fcretim faaliyetlerinizde gerek %u00fcr%u00fcnlerinizde kulland%u0131%u011f%u0131n%u0131z yeni teknolojilerden bahsedebilir misiniz? Yeni teknolojilere uyum sa%u011flamak ad%u0131na ne t%u00fcr %u00e7al%u0131%u015fmalar yap%u0131yorsunuz?Malzemelerimizin %u00fcretimi esnas%u0131nda kullan%u0131lan teknoloji ve ekipman%u0131n tamam%u0131na hakimiz ve bir%u00e7o%u011funu kullanmaktay%u0131z. Her alanda oldu%u011fu gibi sekt%u00f6r%u00fcm%u00fczde de teknoloji her ge%u00e7en sene geli%u015fim g%u00f6steriyor ve buna ayak uydurmadan ilerleme kaydetmek m%u00fcmk%u00fcn olmuyor. Bu ba%u011flamda yat%u0131r%u0131mlar%u0131m%u0131z%u0131 azami gayretle artt%u0131rmaya %u00e7aba sarf ediyoruz. Bu geli%u015fim sadece makinele%u015fme konusunda de%u011fil hammadde konusunda da kar%u015f%u0131m%u0131za %u00e7%u0131kmaktad%u0131r. Firmam%u0131z %u00e7al%u0131%u015fanlar%u0131 aras%u0131nda bulunan kimyagerlerimiz bu konularda da yerel ve uluslararas%u0131 geli%u015fmeleri takip etmektedirler%u2026M%u00fc%u015fteri memnuniyeti yaratmak, kaliteli %u00fcr%u00fcnler %u00fcretmek ad%u0131na dikkate ald%u0131%u011f%u0131n%u0131z prensipler nelerdir?M%u00fc%u015fteri memnuniyeti %u00e7o%u011fu zaman sizi, talep edilen malzemelerin i%u00e7eri%u011fi ve kalitesi anlam%u0131nda ileriye g%u00f6t%u00fcrebilen ve daha yeni ve farkl%u0131 %u00f6zelliklere sahip %u00fcr%u00fcnleri %u00fcretmenizi sa%u011flayabilen, yeni ufuklar a%u00e7an bir uzmanl%u0131k aland%u0131r diye d%u00fc%u015f%u00fcn%u00fcyorum. Bu alan%u0131 iyi tespit edip gere%u011fini yerine getirebilen %u00fcreticiler kendilerini, dolay%u0131s%u0131yla da hizmet/%u00fcr%u00fcn kalitelerini geli%u015ftirebilirler.time with G%u00fcven Pazarlama company, which he founded with my brother Mustafa Sar%u0131ba%u015f in 1976. Between 1976 and 2000, we supplied our product range through regional dealerships and custom productions from the domestic market. Since 2000, with the establishment of our company Norm Ayakkab%u0131 Malzemeleri San. ve Tic. A.%u015e., we have continued to contribute to the industry by importing products from abroad and introducing and selling new products to the market for the first time. In 2013, we made a significant leap forward for both our company and the national economy by becoming the first in Turkey to produce Pinpon/Bombe under our NormFlex brand. We have continued to provide Pinpon/Bombe, a material that has been largely dominated by major global brands in our domestic market, by investing in the necessary machinery and technology; most importantly, we have provided them as a manufacturer. In a short time, we broke the dominance of imported materials and successfully positioned our locally produced products as the preferred choice among all shoe manufacturers, large and small, across the country.For more than 58 years, we are proud to continue our investments and serve our industry with the same enthusiasm. R%u00f6portaj / Interwiev
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