Page 40 - Demo
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mikrobiyotas%u0131n%u0131 desteklemeyi hedefliyor. B%u00f6ylece, dengeli bir ba%u011f%u0131rsak floras%u0131, beyin fonksiyonlar%u0131n%u0131 olumlu y%u00f6nde etkileyerek zihinsel b%u00fct%u00fcnl%u00fc%u011f%u00fc artt%u0131rmas%u0131 hedefleniyor. Bu b%u00fct%u00fcnc%u00fcl yakla%u015f%u0131m, hem fiziksel hem de zihinsel b%u00fct%u00fcnl%u00fck i%u00e7in kritik bir denge sa%u011flarken, kullan%u0131c%u0131lar%u0131n genel ya%u015fam kalitesini artt%u0131rmay%u0131 ama%u00e7l%u0131yor.Do%u011fal ve s%u00fcrd%u00fcr%u00fclebilir i%u00e7eriklere y%u00f6nelik trendler artarken, Amare Global hammaddelerinin tedarikini ve s%u00fcrd%u00fcr%u00fclebilirli%u011fini nas%u0131l sa%u011fl%u0131yor? Amare Global olarak, y%u00fcksek kaliteli ve etkili %u00fcr%u00fcnler sunman%u0131n yan%u0131 s%u0131ra, s%u00fcrd%u00fcr%u00fclebilir bir gelecek i%u00e7in sorumlu tedarik s%u00fcre%u00e7leri olu%u015fturma misyonunu benimsiyoruz. %u00dcr%u00fcnlerimizdeki her i%u00e7erik, bilimsel olarak safl%u0131%u011f%u0131 kan%u0131tlanm%u0131%u015f bile%u015fenlerden olu%u015fuyor. Biz, %u00fcr%u00fcnlerimizin i%u00e7eri%u011fini ve bu bile%u015fenlerin neler oldu%u011funu biliyoruz; zihinsel b%u00fct%u00fcnl%u00fc%u011f%u00fcm%u00fcz%u00fc korumak i%u00e7in gereken ad%u0131mlar%u0131 da at%u0131yoruz.%u0130%u00e7eriklerimiz, yaln%u0131zca torbada veya teneke kutudaki tozlardan ibaret de%u011fil. Bu bile%u015fenler, saf, g%u00fc%u00e7l%u00fc ve kan%u0131tlanm%u0131%u015f unsurlar olarak kar%u015f%u0131m%u0131za %u00e7%u0131k%u0131yor. Amare i%u00e7in her i%u00e7erik, titizlikle y%u00fcr%u00fct%u00fclen laboratuvar analizleri ile do%u011frulanan bir bilim %u00e7al%u0131%u015fmas%u0131 niteli%u011findedir. Ayn%u0131 zamanda, bu i%u00e7eriklerin temiz ve pestisit kullan%u0131lmadan yeti%u015ftirilmi%u015f olmas%u0131n%u0131 sa%u011flamak i%u00e7in b%u00fcy%u00fck bir %u00f6zen g%u00f6steriyoruz. D%u00fcnya %u00e7ap%u0131ndaki tedarik%u00e7ilerimize ve onlarla olan ili%u015fkilerimize g%u00fcveniyoruz. Madagaskar, Malezya, Afrika ve G%u00fcney Amerika%u2019daki %u00e7al%u0131%u015fmalar%u0131m%u0131z, bu i%u00e7eriklerin do%u011fru bir %u015fekilde %u00fcretildi%u011finden ve onlar%u0131 yeti%u015ftiren insanlara adil davran%u0131ld%u0131%u011f%u0131ndan emin olmak a%u00e7%u0131s%u0131ndan b%u00fcy%u00fck bir %u00f6nem ta%u015f%u0131yor.containing probiotics, prebiotics and gut-friendly ingredients to maintain this gut regularity. Thus, a balanced gut flora is aimed to positively affect brain function and increase mental wellness. This holistic approach aims to improve the overall quality of life of users while providing a critical balance for both physical and mental wellness.With the growing trend towards natural and sustainable ingredients, how does Amare Global ensure the sourcing and sustainability of its raw materials? At Amare Global, in addition to providing high quality and effective products, we embrace the mission to create responsible sourcing processes for a sustainable future. Every ingredient in our products consists of ingredients that are scientifically proven to be pure. We know what our products contain and what these ingredients are, and we take the necessary steps to protect our mental wellness.Our ingredients are not just powders in a bag or tin. They are pure, powerful and proven. For Amare, every ingredient is a work of science, verified by meticulous laboratory analyses. At the same time, we take great care to ensure that these ingredients are clean and grown without pesticides. We rely on our suppliers and our relationships with them around the world. Our work in Madagascar, Malaysia, Africa and South America is critical to ensure that these ingredients are produced correctly and that the people who grow them are treated fairly.R%u00f6portaj / Interview38