Page 37 - Demo
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Sizi tan%u0131mak isteriz, l%u00fctfen bize e%u011fitim hayat%u0131n%u0131z ve profesyonel kariyeriniz hakk%u0131nda bilgi verir misiniz? 1970 y%u0131l%u0131nda Ankara%u2019da do%u011fdum. E%u011fitim hayat%u0131m%u0131n %u00f6nemli bir d%u00f6n%u00fcm noktas%u0131, ODT%u00dc Kimya b%u00f6l%u00fcm%u00fcnden mezun olmamd%u0131. Bu e%u011fitim, kariyerime g%u00fc%u00e7l%u00fc bir temel sa%u011flad%u0131 ve beni i%u015f hayat%u0131na haz%u0131rlad%u0131. %u0130lk i%u015f deneyimime, Hoechst Schering AgrEvo Ltd. %u015eti%u2019de Teknik Pazarlama M%u00fcd%u00fcr%u00fc olarak ba%u015flad%u0131m. Burada ge%u00e7irdi%u011fim d%u00f6rt y%u0131l, bana proje y%u00f6netimi ve pazarlama stratejileri konusunda %u00f6nemli deneyimler kazand%u0131rd%u0131. Ard%u0131ndan Aventis CropScience Ltd. %u015eti%u2019de Ticari M%u00fcd%u00fcr olarak kariyerime devam ettim. %u0130ki y%u0131l boyunca, sat%u0131%u015f ekibine liderlik ederken pazar ara%u015ft%u0131rmalar%u0131nda aktif rol ald%u0131m ve projeleri ba%u015far%u0131yla y%u00f6nettim. 2004 y%u0131l%u0131nda BAYER T%u00fcrk Kimya San. Ltd. %u015eti%u2019de Ticari M%u00fcd%u00fcr olarak g%u00f6rev almaya ba%u015flad%u0131m. Asya, Rusya, T%u00fcrkiye ve G%u00fcney Do%u011fu Avrupa projelerinde %u00e7al%u0131%u015farak, %u00f6nemli m%u00fc%u015fterilerle ili%u015fkiler kurdum ve stratejik geli%u015fim projelerine katk%u0131 sa%u011flad%u0131m. 12 y%u0131l boyunca BioScience Birim M%u00fcd%u00fcrl%u00fc%u011f%u00fc yapt%u0131m ve bu s%u00fcre%u00e7te sorumlulu%u011fum alt%u0131ndaki b%u00f6lgelerde sat%u0131%u015f ve stratejilerin geli%u015ftirilmesine odakland%u0131m. 2016 y%u0131l%u0131nda kariyerimi farkl%u0131 bir sekt%u00f6re ta%u015f%u0131ma karar%u0131 ald%u0131m ve FERRERO F%u0131nd%u0131k %u0130hr. %u0130th. ve Tic. AgriBusiness Geli%u015ftirme Direkt%u00f6r%u00fc olarak g%u00f6rev ald%u0131m. Bu s%u00fcre%u00e7te 135 ki%u015filik bir ekibi y%u00f6nettim ve %u00f6nemli ba%u015far%u0131lar elde ettim.Sonras%u0131nda, %u201cYeni Nesil Ticaret%u201d alan%u0131nda faaliyet g%u00f6steren Kyani%u2019de Genel M%u00fcd%u00fcrl%u00fck g%u00f6revini %u00fcstlendim. Ki%u015fisel geli%u015fime olan ilgim, hem yurt i%u00e7i hem de yurt d%u0131%u015f%u0131nda %u00e7e%u015fitli e%u011fitim programlar%u0131na kat%u0131lmama olanak tan%u0131d%u0131. Ayr%u0131ca, sekt%u00f6rle ilgili derneklerde de aktif rol ald%u0131m. %u015eu anda Amare T%u00fcrkiye Genel M%u00fcd%u00fcr%u00fc olarak g%u00f6rev yap%u0131yorum. %u0130%u015f hayat%u0131m boyunca edindi%u011fim deneyimler, hem profesyonel hem de ki%u015fisel olarak b%u00fcy%u00fcmeme yard%u0131mc%u0131 oldu. Hedefim, %u00e7al%u0131%u015ft%u0131%u011f%u0131m alanlarda yenilik%u00e7i %u00e7%u00f6z%u00fcmler sunarak de%u011fer yaratmaya devam etmek.We would like to get to know you, could you please tell us about your education and professional career? I was born in 1970 in Ankara. An important milestone in my educational life was my graduation from METU Chemistry Department. This education provided a strong foundation for my career and prepared me for business life. I started my first work experience as Technical Marketing Manager at Hoechst Schering AgrEvo Ltd. The four years I spent there gave me important experience in project management and marketing strategies. Then I continued my career as Commercial Manager at Aventis CropScience Ltd. For two years, I led the sales team, took an active role in market research and successfully managed projects. In 2004, I started to work as Commercial Manager at BAYER T%u00fcrk Kimya San. %u015eti. Working in Asia, Russia, Turkey and South East Europe, I established relationships with important customers and contributed to strategic development projects. For 12 years, I worked as BioScience Unit Manager and focused on sales and strategy development in the regions under my responsibility. Ith. and Tic. A.%u015e. In this process, I managed a team of 135 people and achieved significant success.Afterwards, I assumed the position of General Manager at Kyani, which operates in the field of %u2018New Generation Trade%u2019. My interest in personal development has enabled me to participate in various training programmes both in Turkey and abroad. I have also taken an active role in associations related to the sector. I am currently serving as the General Manager of Amare Turkey. The experiences I have gained throughout my business life have helped me grow both professionally and personally. My goal is to continue creating value by offering innovative solutions in the areas I work in.R%u00f6portaj / Interview35