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                                    Makale / Article26Resim 1 VIVAPUR\Pic. 1 Preparation of VIVAPUR%u00ae MCG dispersionVIVAPUR%u00ae MCG - Son Derece Uyumlu, Sa%u011flam ve %u00c7ok Y%u00f6nl%u00fc Stabilizat%u00f6rGe%u00e7imlilik/UyumlulukVIVAPUR%u00aeMCG, %u015fekerler, %u015feker alkolleri, yapay tatland%u0131r%u0131c%u0131lar,%u0131slat%u0131c%u0131 maddeler, alkoller, noniyonik y%u00fczey aktif maddeler veya koruyucular gibi s%u00fcspansiyonlar i%u00e7in yayg%u0131n olarak kullan%u0131lan %u00e7ok %u00e7e%u015fitli bile%u015fenlerle uyumludur (%u015eekil 3).VIVAPUR%u00aeMCG:%u2022 Sterilizasyona ve uzun s%u00fcreli %u0131s%u0131tmaya dayan%u0131kl%u0131d%u0131r. (%u015eekil 4)%u2022 M%u00fckemmel donma-%u00e7%u00f6z%u00fclme kararl%u0131l%u0131%u011f%u0131 g%u00f6sterir%u2022 S%u0131cak veya so%u011fuk suda da%u011f%u0131t%u0131labilir%u2022 Geni%u015f bir pH aral%u0131%u011f%u0131nda (3,8 - 10) kararl%u0131d%u0131r~ 2 % w/v%u2019ye kadar VIVAPUR%u00aeMCG 591 P ve 811 P) ve %5 w/v (VIVAPUR%u00aeMCG 611P) sodyum sol%u00fcsyonu, dam%u0131t%u0131lm%u0131%u015f suda aktive edildikten sonra eklenirse tolere edilir. S%u00fcspansiyonun daha y%u00fcksek erime derecesi tampon tuzlar%u0131, iki veya %u00fc%u00e7 de%u011ferlikli katyonlar i%u00e7ermesi durumunda, jel a%u011f%u0131n%u0131n p%u0131ht%u0131la%u015fmas%u0131n%u0131 %u00f6nlemek i%u00e7in ksantan, metilsel%u00fcloz veya HPMC gibi ek koruyucu kolloidler (%8 - 30 toplam MCG miktar%u0131na g%u00f6re) %u00f6nerilir.Nutras%u00f6tik s%u0131n%u0131f%u0131 VIVAPUR%u00aeMCG 900X Fis, Xanthan ile birlikte i%u015flenir. Maksimum pH ve tuz tolerans%u0131 sa%u011flar.VIVAPUR%u00ae MCG %u2013 The Highly Compatible, Robust, and Versatile StabilizerCompatibilityVIVAPUR%u00ae MCG is compatible with a wide range of ingredients commonly used for suspensions, such as sugars, sugar alcohols, artificial sweeteners, wetting agents, alcohols, nonionic surfactants or preservatives (Figure 3).VIVAPUR%u00ae MCG:%u2022 Withstands sterilization and long-term heating (Figure 4)%u2022 Shows excellent freeze thaw stability%u2022 Can be dispersed in hot or cold water%u2022 Stable in a wide pH range (3.8 %u2013 10)Up to ~2 %w/v (VIVAPUR%u00ae MCG 591 P and 811 P) and 5 % w / v (VIVAPUR%u00ae MCG 611 P) sodium chloride salt is tolerated if it is added after the MCG has been activated in distilled water. If higher amounts of soluble buffer salts, di- or trivalent cations, are part of the VIVAPUR%u00ae MCG is Compatible with a Wide Range of Common Ingredients suspension, additional protective colloids (8 %u2013 30 % related to the total amount of MCG), such as xanthan, methylcellulose, or HPMC are recommended to prevent a flocculation of the gel network.The nutraceutical grade VIVAPUR%u00ae MCG 900X F is coprocessed with Xanthan. It provides maximum pH- and salt tolerance.
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