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                                    Et end%u00fcstrisinde antimikrobiyaller: Etkinlik tercihiAntimicrobials in the meat industry: A choice of efficacyAntimikrobiyaller, et end%u00fcstrisinde g%u0131da g%u00fcvenli%u011fini sa%u011flamak ve t%u00fcketti%u011fimiz %u00fcr%u00fcnlerin kalitesini korumak ad%u0131na hayati bir rol oynar. D%u00fcnya genelinde her y%u0131l yakla%u015f%u0131k 600 milyon ki%u015fi - yani neredeyse her 10 ki%u015fiden 1%u2019i - kontamine g%u0131da t%u00fckettikten sonra hastalanmakta ve bu durum 420.000 %u00f6l%u00fcme yol a%u00e7maktad%u0131r. Bu veriler, g%u0131da g%u00fcvenli%u011fi konusunun ne denli %u00f6nemli oldu%u011funu a%u00e7%u0131k%u00e7a g%u00f6stermektedir.Galactic Hakk%u0131nda: Galactic, otuz y%u0131ld%u0131r fermantasyon konusunda sa%u011flam bir uzmanl%u0131k geli%u015ftirmi%u015ftir. Bu alanda %u00f6nc%u00fc olan firma, m%u00fc%u015fterilerinin g%u00fcvenli, sa%u011fl%u0131kl%u0131, s%u00fcrd%u00fcr%u00fclebilir ve y%u00fcksek kaliteli %u00fcr%u00fcnler olu%u015fturmas%u0131na yard%u0131mc%u0131 olmay%u0131 misyon edinmi%u015ftir. Fermantasyon bilgilerini kullanarak ve ye%u015fil kimyay%u0131 fermantasyon yap%u0131 ta%u015flar%u0131na uygulama konusundaki uzmanl%u0131klar%u0131yla harmanlayarak, do%u011fal ve geleneksel antimikrobiyal %u00e7%u00f6z%u00fcmlerden olu%u015fan geni%u015f bir portf%u00f6y geli%u015ftirmi%u015flerdir.M%u00fc%u015fterilerini daha iyi desteklemek amac%u0131yla, Galactic ayn%u0131 zamanda uygulama laboratuvarlar%u0131na yat%u0131r%u0131m yapm%u0131%u015f ve bu laboratuvarlarda %u00e7%u00f6z%u00fcmlerinin farkl%u0131 g%u0131da matrislerindeki performans%u0131n%u0131 incelemektedir. Bu sayede m%u00fc%u015fterilerine %u00f6zel ihtiya%u00e7lar%u0131na en uygun tavsiyeleri verebilmektedir.Antimicrobials play an essential role in the meat industry, guaranteeing food safety and safeguarding the quality of the products we consume. Around the world, an estimated 600 million %u2013 almost 1 in 10 people %u2013 fall ill after eating contaminated food each year, resulting in 420 000 deaths, showing that indeed the issue of food safety is of paramount importance.About Galactic: For three decades, Galactic has cultivated a solid expertise in fermentation. As pioneers in this field, its mission is to help our customers create safe, healthy, sustainable, and high-quality products. Drawing on their knowledge of fermentation and supplementing it with expertise on how to apply green chemistry to transform their fermentation building blocks, they have developed a diverse portfolio of specialized natural and traditional antimicrobial solutions.To further support its customers, Galactic has also invested in application laboratories where it can study the performance of its solutions in different food matrices, allowing them to give the best possible advice to their customers for their specific needs. Makale / Article30Egemen Dumano%u011flu B%u00f6lge Sat%u0131%u015f M%u00fcd%u00fcr%u00fcRegional Sales ManagerElton T%u00fcrkiye
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