Page 26 - Demo
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Makale / Article24VIVAPUR%u00ae MCG S%u0131n%u0131flar%u00c7e%u015fitli Uygulamalar %u0130%u00e7in Farkl%u0131 %u00c7%u00f6z%u00fcmlerMevcut s%u0131n%u0131flarVIVAPUR%u00aeMCG 581, 591, 611 ve 811 P, de%u011fi%u015fken viskozite, elastikiyet ve Na-CMC i%u00e7eri%u011fiyle ay%u0131rt edilir .Nutras%u00f6tik uygulamalar i%u00e7in ek bir s%u0131n%u0131f (VIVAPUR%u00aeMCG 900X F) mevcuttur. %u00d6nerilen kullan%u0131m seviyeleri %0,5 - 3,0%u2019d%u0131r ve s%u0131n%u0131fa ve istenen i%u015fleve ba%u011fl%u0131d%u0131r. Uygulanan VIVAPUR%u00aeMCG%u2019nin uygulanmas%u0131. Konsantrasyon ne kadar y%u00fcksekse, etkile%u015fim o kadar g%u00fc%u00e7l%u00fcd%u00fcr ve API gibi herhangi bir partik%u00fcl maddenin tutulmas%u0131 o kadar iyidir. B%u00f6ylece, gerekli performans ve viskozite kullan%u0131lan konsantrasyonla kolayca ayarlanabilir. Viskozite esas olarak ilk saat i%u00e7inde artar ve 24 saat sonra sabit kal%u0131r.VIVAPUR%u00ae MCG %u2013 Pratik Tavsiyeler ve %u00d6rnek Form%u00fclasyonlarBurun SpreyleriDisperse edilebilir sel%u00fcloz, Flutikazon, Budesonid, Beklometazon, Triamsinolon Asetonid veya Oksimetazolin Hidroklor%u00fcr gibi APl%u2019leri i%u00e7eren burun spreyleri i%u00e7in %u00e7ok i%u015flevli ve yayg%u0131n olarak kullan%u0131lan bir stabilizat%u00f6rd%u00fcr.%u2022 VIVAPUR%u00aeMCG jel yap%u0131s%u0131, ila%u00e7 par%u00e7ac%u0131klar%u0131n%u0131 da%u011f%u0131t%u0131m cihaz%u0131n%u0131n ana rezervuar%u0131nda as%u0131l%u0131 tutar.%u2022 Pompalama s%u0131ras%u0131nda jel da%u011f%u0131t%u0131m cihaz%u0131nda s%u0131v%u0131 hale gelir ve kolay p%u00fcsk%u00fcrtme ve etkili, standart atomizasyon sa%u011flar. Uygulamadan sonra s%u0131v%u0131 viskozitesini geri kazan%u0131r. Burundan damlama veya bo%u011faz b%u00f6lgesine d%u0131%u015far%u0131 ak%u0131%u015f %u00f6nlenir ve API%u2019nin burun bo%u015flu%u011funda tutulma s%u00fcresi uzar.VIVAPUR%u00ae MCG Grades %u2013 Different Solutions for a Variety of ApplicationsGradesThe available grades, VIVAPUR%u00ae MCG 581, 591, 611 and 811 P, are distinguished by a varying, viscosity, elasticity, and Na-CMC content (Tab. 1). For nutraceutical appli- cations, an additional grade (VIVAPUR%u00ae MCG 900X F) is available. Recommended use levels are 0.5 %u2013 3.0 % and depend on grade and desired function. The density of the MCG network depends on the concen- tration of the applied VIVAPUR%u00ae MCG (Fig. 1). The higher the concentration, the tighter the network and the better the retention of any particulate matter, such as the API. Thus, the required performance and viscosity can easily be adjusted by the concentration used. The viscosity increases mainly within the first hour and remains constant after 24 hours.VIVAPUR%u00ae MCG 811 P %u2013 Your First ChoiceVIVAPUR%u00ae MCG 811 P is JRS PHARMA%u2019s newestMCC / NaCMC composite for ready-to-use suspensions, nasal sprays, gels, and emulsions.Benefits include:%u2022 Superior particle stabilizing performance%u2022 Lower susceptibility to acids and salts compared to 591 and 581 types%u2022 Lower levels needed due to highest viscosity (Figure 1), elasticity (Figure 2), and yield point%u2022 Fastest particle stabilization due to rapid gelling (Figure 2, Table 1