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                                    Makale / Article22VIVAPUR%u00ae MCG %u2013 Bir Viskozite Artt%u0131r%u0131c%u0131dan Daha Fazlas%u0131Stabilizasyon Mekanizmas%u0131S%u00fcspansiyondaki par%u00e7ac%u0131klar%u0131n g%u00fcvenilir stabilizasyonu yaln%u0131zca y%u00fcksek viskozite ile garanti edilemez %u00e7%u00fcnk%u00fc bu yaln%u0131zca %u00e7%u00f6kmeyi yava%u015flat%u0131r. VIVAPUR%u00aeMCG sadece bir viskozite artt%u0131r%u0131c%u0131dan daha fazlas%u0131d%u0131r. Suda aktivasyondan sonra, VIVAPUR%u00aeMCG %u00e7%u00f6z%u00fcnmeyen sel%u00fcloz fibrillerinden olu%u015fan %u00fc%u00e7 boyutlu elastik bir jel a%u011f%u0131 olu%u015fturarak bir akma noktas%u0131 olu%u015fturur. Akma noktas%u0131, ak%u0131%u015f%u0131 ba%u015flatmak i%u00e7in gereken minimum kayma gerilimidir. S%u00fcspansiyon, par%u00e7ac%u0131k k%u00fctlesi %u00fczerinde %u00e7al%u0131%u015fan yer%u00e7ekimi kuvveti s%u0131v%u0131n%u0131n akma noktas%u0131n%u0131 a%u015fmazsa stabildir. T%u00fcm par%u00e7ac%u0131klar destekleyici a%u011f i%u00e7inde homojen bir %u015fekilde tutulabilir ve %u00e7%u00f6kmeleri %u00f6nlenir.VIVAPUR%u00aeMCG -Ak%u0131%u015fkan %u00d6zellikler G%u00f6steren Jel%u00c7alkalama s%u0131ras%u0131nda, MCG dispersiyonlar%u0131 viskozitede zamana ve kaymaya ba%u011fl%u0131 bir azalma g%u00f6sterir ve s%u0131v%u0131 hale gelir. Daha sonraki bir dinlenme periyodu s%u0131ras%u0131nda viskozitenin tam, ayn%u0131 zamanda zamana ba%u011fl%u0131 bir rejenerasyonu ger%u00e7ekle%u015fir. Bu s%u00f6zde %u201ctiksotropik davran%u0131%u015f%u201d %u015funlar%u0131 sa%u011flar:%u2022 Spreylerin ola%u011fan%u00fcst%u00fc p%u00fcsk%u00fcrt%u00fclebilirli%u011fi%u2022 Dren%u00e7ler ve da%u011f%u0131t%u0131c%u0131lar arac%u0131l%u0131%u011f%u0131yla kullan%u0131c%u0131 dostu dozajlama%u2022 Oral s%u00fcspansiyonlar%u0131n do%u011fru dozaj%u0131%u2022 Aktif jelin zahmetsiz kullan%u0131m%u0131%u2022 %u0130deal pompalanabilirlik%u2022 P%u00fcr%u00fczs%u00fcz ve ho%u015f yutma%u2022 M%u00fckemmel i%u00e7erik homojenli%u011fiVIVAPUR%u00ae MCG %u2013 More than a ThickenerMechanism of StabilizationReliable stabilization of particles in a suspension cannot be guaranteed solely by high viscosity because this only slows down settlement. VIVAPUR%u00ae MCG is more than just a thickener. After activation in water, VIVAPUR%u00ae MCG forms a three-dimensional elastic gelnetwork of insoluble cellulose fibrils, building a yield point. The yield point is the minimum shear stress required to initiate flow. The suspension is stable if the force of gravity operating on the particle mass does not exceed the liquid%u2018s yield point. All particles can be kept homogeneously within the sustaining network and are prevented from settling.VIVAPUR%u00ae MCG %u2013 The Gel that Exhibits Fluid PropertiesUpon agitation, MCG dispersions show a time- and shear-dependent decrease in viscosity and become liquid. A complete, also time-dependent, regeneration of viscosity takes place during a subsequent rest period. This so-called %u201cthixotropic behavior%u201d allows:%u2022 Outstanding sprayability of sprays%u2022 User-friendly dosing via drenches and dispensers%u2022 Accurate dosage of oral suspensions%u2022 Hassle-free handling of the activated gel%u2022 Ideal pumpability%u2022 Smooth and pleasant swallowing%u2022 Excellent content uniformity%u00c7alkalamaAgitationDepolamaStorage%u0130la%u00e7 %u015fi%u015fesinin sallanmas%u0131 gibi bir %u00e7alkalama s%u0131ras%u0131nda sel%u00fcloz fibriller kendilerini hareket y%u00f6n%u00fcnde d%u00fczenlerler. B%u00f6ylece a%u011f gev%u015fer ve viskozite azal%u0131r. B%u00f6ylece dozaj formu s%u0131v%u0131 hale gelir ve %u015fi%u015feden kolayca d%u00f6k%u00fcl%u00fcp %u00f6l%u00e7%u00fclebilir. Hareket durduktan k%u0131sa bir s%u00fcre sonra sel%u00fcloz fibriller tekrar birbirine dolan%u0131r ve %u00fc%u00e7 boyutlu bir a%u011f olu%u015fturur. Dispersiyonlar tam stabilizasyon yeteneklerini yeniden kazan%u0131r ve uzun vadeli stabilite ve i%u00e7erik tekd%u00fczeli%u011fi elde edilir. Upon agitation, such as shaking of a medicine bottle, the cellulose fibrils arrange themselves in the direction of the movement. Thereby, the network loosens up and viscosity decreases. Thus, the dosage form becomes liquid and can be easily poured out of the bottle and measured. Soon after the movement ceases, the cellulose fibrils entangle again and form a three-dimensional net- work. The dispersions regain their full stabilizing ability, resulting in long-term stability and content uniformity.
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