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                                    VIVAPUR%u00ae MCG - S%u0131v%u0131 Dozaj Formlar%u0131 %u0130%u00e7in G%u00fc%u00e7l%u00fc Bir Ara%u00e7S%u0131v%u0131 dozaj formlar%u0131, %u00e7ocuklara, ya%u015fl%u0131lara ve hayvanlara ila%u00e7 vermenin bir%u00e7ok engelini a%u015fmak i%u00e7in yayg%u0131n ve pop%u00fcler bir yakla%u015f%u0131md%u0131r. Ancak, %u00f6zellikle s%u00fcspansiyonlarda sedimantasyon, flok%u00fclasyon veya kekle%u015fme gibi karars%u0131zl%u0131klar, yeni form%u00fclasyonlar%u0131n geli%u015ftirilmesinde b%u00fcy%u00fck zorluklard%u0131r. VIVAPUR%u00aeMCG bu zorluklar%u0131n %u00fcstesinden gelir ve viskozitede a%u015f%u0131r%u0131 bir art%u0131%u015fa gerek kalmadan s%u00fcspansiyonlarda y%u00fcksek i%u00e7erik tekd%u00fczeli%u011fi ve m%u00fckemmel uzun vadeli kararl%u0131l%u0131k sa%u011flamak i%u00e7in %u00f6zel bir reolojik %u00f6zellikler dengesi sa%u011flar.VIVAPUR%u00aeMCG nedir?VIVAPUR%u00aeMCG, mikrokristalin sel%u00fcloz (MCC) ve sodyum karboksimetil sel%u00fclozdan (Na-CMC) olu%u015fan serbest ak%u0131%u015fl%u0131 bir tozdur. Sadece fiziksel bir kar%u0131%u015f%u0131mdan daha fazlas%u0131d%u0131r; Na-CMC, mikrokristalin sel%u00fclozla i%u00e7 i%u00e7e ge%u00e7mi%u015ftir ve benzersiz sinerjik %u00f6zellikler ortaya %u00e7%u0131kar. Na-CMC, mikrokristalin sel%u00fclozun yeniden toplanmas%u0131n%u0131 %u00f6nlemek i%u00e7in koruyucu bir koloit g%u00f6revi g%u00f6r%u00fcr ve kolay da%u011f%u0131labilirlik sa%u011flar.VIVAPUR%u00ae MCG %u2013 A Powerful Tool For Liquid Dosage FormsLiquid dosage forms are a common and popular approach to overcoming the many obstacles of administering medicines to children, the elderly, and animals. However, instabilities such as sedimentation, flocculation, or caking %u2013 especially in suspensions are major challenges in the development of new formu lations. VIVAPUR%u00ae MCG addresses those challenges and allows a custom balance of rheological properties to guarantee high content uniformity and excellent long-term stability in suspensions, without the need for an excessive increase in viscosity.What is VIVAPUR%u00ae MCG ?VIVAPUR%u00ae MCG is a free-flowing powder consisting of microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) and sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (Na-CMC). It is more than just a physical blend; the Na-CMC is interwoven with themicrocrystalline cellulose, resulting in unique synergistic properties. The Na-CMC acts as a protective colloid to prevent the re-aggregation of the microcrystalline cellulose and ensures easy dispersibility.VIVAPUR%u00ae MCGMikrokristalin Sel%u00fcloz (MCC) ve Karboksimetilsel%u00fcloz Sodyum (Na-CMC), NF, Ph.Eur., E460(i)&E466VIVAPUR%u00ae MCGMicrocrystalline Cellulose (MCC) and Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium (Na-CMC), NF, Ph.Eur., E460(i)&E466Disperse edilebilir Sel%u00fclozS%u00fcspansiyonlar, Yeniden Haz%u0131rlanabilir Tozlar, Kremler, Losyonlar ve Spreyler i%u00e7in Y%u00fcksek Performansl%u0131 Stabilizat%u00f6rDispersible CelluloseHigh Performance Stabilizing Agent for Suspensions, Reconstitutable Powders, Creams, Lotions and SpraysMakale / Article20Ferdi %u0130ncekaraB%u00f6lge Teknik Sat%u0131%u015f M%u00fcd%u00fcr%u00fc / %u0130la%u00e7 & Nutra Film KaplamaRegional Technical Sales Manager / Pharma & Nutra Film CoatingJRS Rettenmaier Turkey Do%u011fal Elyaf Tic. Ltd. %u015eti.
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