Page 20 - Demo
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18Bilimsel / Scientificde b%u00fcy%u00fctt%u00fcler. Ard%u0131ndan, plastik malzemenin y%u00fczeyinin zaman i%u00e7inde nas%u0131l de%u011fi%u015fti%u011fini g%u00f6zlemlemek i%u00e7in geli%u015fmi%u015f mikroskopi kulland%u0131lar. Daha sonra, bakterilerin etraf%u0131ndaki suyu inceleyerek plasti%u011fin daha k%u00fc%u00e7%u00fck nano boyutlu par%u00e7alara ayr%u0131ld%u0131%u011f%u0131na dair kan%u0131t arad%u0131lar. Ve son olarak, ara%u015ft%u0131rmac%u0131lar bakterilerin PET%u2019i par%u00e7alamaya yard%u0131mc%u0131 olmak i%u00e7in kulland%u0131klar%u0131 ara%u00e7lar%u0131 belirlemek i%u00e7in bakterilerin i%u00e7ine bakt%u0131lar.Aristilde, %u201cBakterinin varl%u0131%u011f%u0131nda, mikroplastikler plastiklerin k%u00fc%u00e7%u00fck nano par%u00e7ac%u0131klar%u0131na ayr%u0131ld%u0131%u201d dedi. %u201cAt%u0131k su bakterisinin plasti%u011fi monomerlere, yani polimerleri olu%u015fturmak %u00fczere bir araya gelen k%u00fc%u00e7%u00fck yap%u0131 ta%u015flar%u0131na kadar par%u00e7alama konusunda do%u011fu%u015ftan gelen bir yetene%u011fe sahip oldu%u011funu g%u00f6rd%u00fck. Bu k%u00fc%u00e7%u00fck birimler, bakterilerin b%u00fcy%u00fcmek i%u00e7in kullanabilece%u011fi biyolojik olarak kullan%u0131labilir bir karbon kayna%u011f%u0131d%u0131r.%u201dC. testosteroni%u2019nin ger%u00e7ekten de plastikleri par%u00e7alayabildi%u011fini do%u011frulad%u0131ktan sonra Aristilde bunun nas%u0131l oldu%u011funu %u00f6%u011frenmek istedi. H%u00fccre i%u00e7indeki t%u00fcm enzimleri %u00f6l%u00e7ebilen omik teknikler sayesinde ekibi, bakterinin PET plastiklere maruz kald%u0131%u011f%u0131nda ifade etti%u011fi belirli bir enzimi ke%u015ffetti. Bu enzimin rol%u00fcn%u00fc daha fazla ara%u015ft%u0131rmak i%u00e7in Aristilde, Tennessee%u2019deki Oak Ridge Ulusal Laboratuvar%u0131%u2019ndaki i%u015fbirlik%u00e7ilerinden, enzimi ifade etme yetenekleri olmayan bakteri h%u00fccreleri haz%u0131rlamalar%u0131n%u0131 istedi. Dikkat %u00e7ekici bir %u015fekilde, bu enzim olmadan bakterilerin plasti%u011fi bozma yetene%u011fi kayboldu veya %u00f6nemli %u00f6l%u00e7%u00fcde azald%u0131.Plastikler suda nas%u0131l de%u011fi%u015fiyor?Aristilde bu ke%u015ffin potansiyel olarak %u00e7evresel %u00e7%u00f6z%u00fcmler i%u00e7in kullan%u0131labilece%u011fini hayal etse de, bu yeni bilginin insanlar%u0131n plastiklerin at%u0131k suda nas%u0131l geli%u015fti%u011fini daha iyi anlamalar%u0131na yard%u0131mc%u0131 olabilece%u011fini s%u00f6yl%u00fcyor.Aristilde, %u201cAt%u0131k su, mikroplastikler ve nanoplastiklerden olu%u015fan devasa bir rezervuar%u201d dedi. %u201c%u00c7o%u011fu insan nanoplastiklerin at%u0131k su ar%u0131tma tesislerine nanoplastik olarak girdi%u011fini d%u00fc%u015f%u00fcn%u00fcyor. Ancak biz nanoplastiklerin at%u0131k su ar%u0131t%u0131m%u0131 s%u0131ras%u0131nda mikrobiyal aktivite yoluyla olu%u015fabilece%u011fini g%u00f6steriyoruz. Toplumumuz at%u0131k sudan al%u0131c%u0131 nehir ve g%u00f6llere kadar olan yolculu%u011fu boyunca plastiklerin davran%u0131%u015f%u0131n%u0131 anlamaya %u00e7al%u0131%u015f%u0131rken buna dikkat etmemiz gerekiyor.%u201dsearchers looked inside the bacteria to pinpoint tools the bacteria used to help degrade the PET. %u201cIn the presence of the bacterium, the microplastics were broken down into tiny nanoparticles of plastics,%u201d Aristilde said. %u201cWe found that the wastewater bacterium has an innate ability to degrade plastic all the way down to monomers, small building blocks which join together to form polymers. These small units are a bioavailable source of carbon that bacteria can use for growth.%u201dAfter confirming that C. testosteroni, indeed, can break down plastics, Aristilde next wanted to learn how. Through omics techniques that can measure all enzymes inside the cell, her team discovered one specific enzyme the bacterium expressed when exposed to PET plastics. To further explore this enzyme%u2019s role, Aristilde asked collaborators at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee to prepare bacterial cells without the abilities to express the enzyme. Remarkably, without that enzyme, the bacteria%u2019s ability to degrade plastic was lost or significantly diminished.How plastics change in waterAlthough Aristilde imagines this discovery potentially could be harnessed for environmental solutions, she also says this new knowledge can help people better understand how plastics evolve in wastewater.%u201cWastewater is a huge reservoir of microplastics and nanoplastics,%u201d Aristilde said. %u201cMost people think nanoplastics enter wastewater treatment plants as nanoplastics. But we%u2019re showing that nanoplastics can be formed during wastewater treatment through microbial activity. That%u2019s something we need to pay attention to as our society tries to understand the behavior of plastics throughout its journey from wastewater to receiving rivers and lakes.%u201dKaynak / Source: More information: