Page 16 - Demo
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Bal%u0131k ba%u011f%u0131rsaklar%u0131 gelecekteki cilt bak%u0131m %u00fcr%u00fcnlerinde nas%u0131l bir rol oynayabilir?How fish guts might play a role in future skin care productsKozmetik ve cilt bak%u0131m %u00fcr%u00fcnlerinde olduk%u00e7a ilgin%u00e7 bile%u015fenler kullan%u0131lmaktad%u0131r. %u00d6rne%u011fin, nemlendirici ve antioksidan %u00f6zellikleri nedeniyle kullan%u0131lan salyangoz salg%u0131s%u0131 %u2014 yani salyangoz s%u00fcm%u00fc%u011f%u00fc %u2014 bu bile%u015fenlerden biridir. Ancak, ACS Omega dergisinde ara%u015ft%u0131rma yapan bilim insanlar%u0131, y%u00fcz%u00fcn%u00fcze s%u00fcrebilece%u011finiz daha da tuhaf bir %u015fey bulmu%u015f olabilir: Bal%u0131k ba%u011f%u0131rsak bakterileri taraf%u0131ndan %u00fcretilen molek%u00fcller. K%u00fclt%u00fcrlenmi%u015f h%u00fccrelerde, bu bile%u015fiklerin cilt ayd%u0131nlat%u0131c%u0131 ve k%u0131r%u0131%u015f%u0131k kar%u015f%u0131t%u0131 %u00f6zelliklere sahip oldu%u011fu tespit edildi, bu da onlar%u0131 gelecekteki cilt bak%u0131m rutinlerinde potansiyel bile%u015fenler haline getirebilir.Bal%u0131k ba%u011f%u0131rsaklar%u0131, kozmetik bile%u015fikler aramak i%u00e7in en son yer gibi g%u00f6r%u00fcnse de, bu fikir o kadar da mant%u0131ks%u0131z de%u011fil. Bir%u00e7ok %u00f6nemli ila%u00e7 tuhaf yerlerde bulunmu%u015ftur %u2014 %u00fcnl%u00fc olarak, penisilinin antibiyotik %u00f6zellikleri, bir deney ba%u015far%u0131s%u0131z olup k%u00fcflendi%u011finde ke%u015ffedilmi%u015ftir. Daha yak%u0131n zamanda, beyin kanseri ila%u00e7 aday%u0131 Marizomib, okyanus taban%u0131ndaki deniz tortular%u0131nda ke%u015ffedilen mikroplardan elde edilmi%u015ftir.Yeni bile%u015fiklerin potansiyel olarak ke%u015ffedilebilece%u011fi iki kaynak ise Bat%u0131 Pasifik Okyanusu%u2019nda bulunan k%u0131rm%u0131z%u0131 %u00e7ipura ve siyah ba%u015fl%u0131 %u00e7ipuran%u0131n ba%u011f%u0131rsak mikroplar%u0131 olabilir. Bu mikroplar s%u0131ras%u0131yla 1992 ve 2016 y%u0131llar%u0131nda ilk kez tan%u0131mlanm%u0131%u015f olsalar da, %u00fcrettikleri bile%u015fikler %u00fczerinde herhangi bir %u00e7al%u0131%u015fma yap%u0131lmam%u0131%u015ft%u0131r. Bu nedenle Hyo-Jong Lee ve Chung Sub Kim, bu bakterilerin kozmetik faydalara sahip olabilecek herhangi bir metabolit bile%u015fi%u011fi %u00fcretip %u00fcretmedi%u011fini g%u00f6rmek istedi. Ara%u015ft%u0131rma ekibi, k%u0131rm%u0131z%u0131 %u00e7ipura ve siyah ba%u015fl%u0131 %u00e7ipura bal%u0131klar%u0131n%u0131n ba%u011f%u0131rsak bakterilerinin %u00fcretti%u011fi 22 molek%u00fcl belirledi. Her bir bile%u015fi%u011fin laboratuvar ortam%u0131nda yeti%u015ftirilen fare h%u00fccrelerinde tirozinaz ve kollajenaz enzimlerini inhibe etme yetene%u011fini de%u011ferlendirdiler. (Tirozinaz, ya%u015flanan There are some pretty strange ingredients in cosmetics and skin care products. One example is snail mucin -- also known as snail slime -- which is used for its moisturizing and antioxidant properties. But researchers reporting in ACS Omega might have found something even weirder to put on your face: molecules made by fish gut bacteria. In cultured cells, the compounds had skin-brightening and anti-wrinkle properties, making them potential ingredients for your future skin care routine.Though fish guts might seem like the absolute last place to look for cosmetic compounds, it%u2019s not a completely far-fetched idea. Many important drugs have been found in bizarre places -- famously, penicillin%u2019s antibiotic properties were discovered after a failed experiment got moldy.More recently, the brain cancer drug candidate Marizomib was derived from microbes unearthed in marine sediments at the bottom of the ocean.Two potentially untapped sources of new compounds could be the gut microbes of the red seabream and the blackhead seabream, fish found in the western Pacific Ocean. Although these microbes were first identified in 1992 and 2016, respectively, no studies have been performed on the compounds they make. So, Hyo-Jong Lee and Chung Sub Kim wanted to see 14Bilimsel / Scientific