Page 63 - Demo
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61Tasar%u0131m tarz%u0131n%u0131z%u0131 %u00f6zetleyecek olsan%u0131z?S%u00fcrreal, f%u00fct%u00fcristik ve soyut diyebilirim...B%u00fcy%u00fck ses getiren Unicorn tasar%u0131m%u0131n%u0131zdan bahseder misiniz?Unicorn modeli firma tarihinde rekor bir sat%u0131%u015f rakam%u0131na ula%u015ft%u0131. Klasik sneakerlardan %u00e7ok farkl%u0131 bir model yaratt%u0131k. %u00d6yle ki %u015fu an bu modelimiz ABD ve Kanada%u2019da m%u00fczelerde sergileniyor. Gelecekte tasar%u0131m anlay%u0131%u015f%u0131n%u0131n nas%u0131l olaca%u011f%u0131n%u0131 d%u00fc%u015f%u00fcn%u00fcyorsunuz? Gelecekte insano%u011flunun sadece tasar%u0131mda de%u011fil her konuda do%u011fal olana y%u00f6nelece%u011fini d%u00fc%u015f%u00fcn%u00fcyorum. Do%u011fadan ilham alan %u00fcr%u00fcnlerle, do%u011fal malzemelerle ve do%u011fal tekniklerle yap%u0131lm%u0131%u015f olan %u00fcr%u00fcnlere ilginin daha fazla artaca%u011f%u0131n%u0131 d%u00fc%u015f%u00fcn%u00fcyorum. %u00c7%u00fcnk%u00fc insanlar el eme%u011finin en g%u00fczel %u015fey oldu%u011funu yeniden anlayacaklar. Teknolojinin geli%u015fmesiyle de giyilebilir teknolojinin artarak giydi%u011fimiz her %u015feye adapte olaca%u011f%u0131na inan%u0131yorum. Mesela giydi%u011fimiz bir ceketin sa%u011fl%u0131%u011f%u0131nla ilgili bir veriyi sana payla%u015fmas%u0131, ayakkab%u0131n%u0131n kalori kayb%u0131n%u0131 s%u00f6ylemesi ya da harita ile koordineli %u00e7al%u0131%u015fmas%u0131 gibi %u015feyler h%u0131zl%u0131 hayat%u0131m%u0131za girecek. How would you summarize your design style?I would say surreal, futuristic, and abstract.Could you tell us about your highly successful Unicorn design?The Unicorn model reached a record-breaking sales figure in the company%u2019s history. We created a model that was very different from classic sneakers. In fact, this model is now displayed in museums in the U.S. and Canada.How do you think the future of design will evolve?I believe that in the future, humanity will turn towards the natural in every field, not just design. I think interest will increasingly shift toward products inspired by nature, made with natural materials and techniques. People will come to realize once again that handmade work is the most beautiful thing. With the advancement of technology, I also believe wearable technology will grow and adapt to everything we wear. For instance, a jacket providing health data, a shoe telling you about calorie loss, or syncing with maps for navigation%u2014these will become a part of our fast-paced lives soon.Turkish Shoe Designers / T%u00fcrk Ayakkab%u0131 Tasar%u0131mc%u0131lar%u0131