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                                    50 Eyl%u00fcl - September / Ekim - October 2024 d%u00fcstriyel %u00f6l%u00e7ekte (Avrupa'da) 2013 y%u0131l%u0131ndan bu yana sanayi sonras%u0131 esnek PU k%u00f6p%u00fck i%u00e7in ve 2021 y%u0131l%u0131ndan bu yana kullan%u0131m %u00f6mr%u00fcn%u00fc tamamlam%u0131%u015f yataklardan elde edilen t%u00fcketici sonras%u0131 esnek PU k%u00f6p%u00fck i%u00e7in kullan%u0131lmaktad%u0131r. %u015eu anda at%u0131k %u015filteler i%u00e7in %u00fc%u00e7 operasyonel depolimerizasyon tesisi bulunmaktad%u0131r. Poli%u00fcretanlar i%u00e7in geri d%u00f6n%u00fc%u015f%u00fcm %u00e7abalar%u0131n%u0131n neden %u015filteler ve mobilyalara odakland%u0131%u011f%u0131 merak edilebilir. Cevap nispeten basittir: %u00dcr%u00fcnlerin s%u00f6k%u00fclmesi nispeten kolayd%u0131r ve b%u00fcy%u00fck miktarlarda esnek PU k%u00f6p%u00fck i%u00e7erir. Ara%u00e7lardaki k%u00f6p%u00fcklerin geri d%u00f6n%u00fc%u015f%u00fcm%u00fc daha zordur, %u00e7%u00fcnk%u00fc k%u00fc%u00e7%u00fck miktarlar arac%u0131n farkl%u0131 yerlerine da%u011f%u0131lm%u0131%u015ft%u0131r ve her zaman kolayca eri%u015filebilir de%u011fildir. Ayr%u0131ca, arac%u0131n bir par%u00e7alay%u0131c%u0131ya konuldu%u011fu %u00f6mr%u00fcn%u00fc tamamlam%u0131%u015f ara%u00e7 i%u015flemi, %u00d6TA'da bulunan ya%u011f veya di%u011fer s%u0131v%u0131larla kirlenmemi%u015f k%u00f6p%u00fc%u011f%u00fcn geri kazan%u0131lmas%u0131n%u0131 imkans%u0131z hale getirmektedir. Bununla birlikte, her iki senaryonun da %u00fcstesinden gelmek i%u00e7in giri%u015fimlerde bulunulmu%u015ftur.S%u00f6k%u00fclmesi %u00e7ok zor veya geri d%u00f6n%u00fc%u015ft%u00fcr%u00fclemeyecek kadar kirli %u00fcr%u00fcnler i%u00e7in at%u0131ktan enerjiye geri d%u00f6n%u00fc%u015f%u00fcm veya termokimyasal geri d%u00f6n%u00fc%u015f%u00fcm en iyi se%u00e7eneklerdir. %u00d6zellikle ikinci teknoloji, yeni %u201ci%u015flenmemi%u015fe e%u015fde%u011fer%u201d hammaddelerin %u00fcretilmesine olanak sa%u011flamaktad%u0131r.Gelecek Ne Getiriyor?Poli%u00fcretan%u0131 daha da s%u00fcrd%u00fcr%u00fclebilir hale getirmek i%u00e7in poli%u00fcretan tedarik zinciri taraf%u0131ndan b%u00fcy%u00fck %u00e7aba sarf edilmektedir. Bu, yeni hammaddelere y%u00f6nelik s%u00fcrekli ara%u015ft%u0131rmalar%u0131n yan%u0131 s%u0131ra geri d%u00f6n%u00fc%u015f%u00fcm teknolojileri ve altyap%u0131s%u0131n%u0131n geli%u015ftirilmesini de i%u00e7ermektedir. %u00d6ng%u00f6r%u00fclebilir gelecekte esnek PU k%u00f6p%u00fck %u00fcretiminde kullan%u0131lan hammaddelerin %u00f6nemli bir k%u0131sm%u0131n%u0131n geri d%u00f6n%u00fc%u015ft%u00fcr%u00fclm%u00fc%u015f k%u00f6kenli olmas%u0131 beklenmektedir.Avrupa Komisyonu, 2023 y%u0131l%u0131nda %u00d6mr%u00fcn%u00fc Tamamlam%u0131%u015f Ara%u00e7lar Direktifi'nin revize edilmesini %u00f6nermi%u015ftir. Taslak yasal metin, ara%u00e7lardaki plastik fraksiyonu i%u00e7in geri d%u00f6n%u00fc%u015ft%u00fcr%u00fclm%u00fc%u015f i%u00e7eri%u011fe ili%u015fkin h%u00fck%u00fcmler i%u00e7ermektedir (a%u00e7%u0131k ve kapal%u0131 d%u00f6ng%u00fc hedefleri). Ayn%u0131 %u015fekilde, yak%u0131n zamanda kabul edilen S%u00fcrd%u00fcr%u00fclebilir %u00dcr%u00fcnler i%u00e7in Eko-Tasar%u0131m Y%u00f6netmeli%u011fi, zorunlu geri d%u00f6n%u00fc%u015ft%u00fcr%u00fclm%u00fc%u015f i%u00e7erik, %u00e7evresel etki hesaplamalar%u0131 ve %u00fcr%u00fcn pasaportu gibi di%u011fer performans ve bilgi eko-tasar%u0131m gerekliliklerinin %u00f6n%u00fcn%u00fc a%u00e7maktad%u0131r. Zaman i%u00e7inde ikincil mevzuat, yatak ve mobilyalar i%u00e7in de ge%u00e7erli olacak %u00fcr%u00fcne %u00f6zel kurallar belirleyecektir. Bu nedenle, esnek PU k%u00f6p%u00fck end%u00fcstrisindeki s%u00fcrd%u00fcr%u00fclebilirlik %u00e7abalar%u0131n%u0131 daha da ileriye ta%u015f%u0131yacak bir dizi %u00e7evresel ve d%u00f6ng%u00fcsel uygulama ile birlikte PU k%u00f6p%u00fck geri d%u00f6n%u00fc%u015f%u00fcmleri i%u00e7in bir pazar%u0131n yasalarla olu%u015fturulaca%u011f%u0131 a%u00e7%u0131kt%u0131r. flexible PU foam. Recycling of foams from vehicles is more difficult, as small quantities are scattered in different places of the vehicle and not always easily accessible. Furthermore, end-of-life vehicle treatment, where the vehicle is put into a shredder, makes it impossible to recuperate foam that is not contaminated with oil or other liquids that were in the ELV. Nevertheless, initiatives have been taken to tackle both scenarios.For products that are too difficult to dismantle or too contaminated to recycle, waste-to-energy or thermochemical recycling are the best options. The latter technology in particular allows the production of new %u201cvirgin-equivalent%u201d raw materials.What does the Future Hold?A significant amount of effort is currently being undertaken by the polyurethane supply chain to make polyurethane even more sustainable. This includes constant research into new raw materials, as well as the development of recycling technologies and infrastructure. It is expected that a significant amount of raw materials used in flexible PU foam production will be of recycled origin in the foreseeable future.In 2023, the European Commission proposed a revision of the End-of-life Vehicles Directive. The draft legal text contains provisions on recycled content for the plastics fraction in vehicles (open and closed-loop targets). In the same vein, the recently adopted Eco-design for Sustainable Products Regulation paves the way for compulsory recycled content, environmental impact calculations, and other performance and information eco-design requirements, such as products passporting. Over time, secondary legislation will set productspecific rules applicable also to mattresses and furniture. It is thus clear that a market for recyclates of PU foam will be created by law, along with a series of environmental and circular practices, further driving the sustainability efforts in the flexible PU foam industry. Uzman G%u00f6r%u00fc%u015f%u00fc / Expert Opinion
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