Page 50 - Demo
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48 Eyl%u00fcl - September / Ekim - October 2024 Uzman G%u00f6r%u00fc%u015f%u00fc / Expert OpinionLojistik operasyonlar%u0131n%u0131n %u00e7evresel etkilerini en aza indirmenin di%u011fer yollar%u0131 ise %u00e7ok modlu ta%u015f%u0131mac%u0131l%u0131ktan faydalanmak, alternatif yak%u0131tlar kullanmak (%u00f6rn. biyodizel, LBG) veya elektrikle %u00e7al%u0131%u015fan ara%u00e7lara ge%u00e7i%u015f yapmakt%u0131r.Kullan%u0131m A%u015famas%u0131: LCA %u00fczerinde Minimal EtkiEsnek PU s%u00fcnger, i%u00e7erdi%u011fi %u00fcr%u00fcn%u00fcn ya%u015fam s%u00fcresi boyunca dayanacak %u015fekilde %u00fcretilmi%u015f dayan%u0131kl%u0131 bir malzemedir. Bu nedenle bir yatak veya araba koltu%u011fundaki s%u00fcngeri asla de%u011fi%u015ftirmek zorunda kalmazs%u0131n%u0131z ve yedek par%u00e7a tedarik etmek zorunda kalmayarak kaynaklardan tasarruf edersiniz. Kullan%u0131m %u00d6mr%u00fcn%u00fcn Sonu: %u00c7e%u015fitli Giri%u015fimler Y%u00fcr%u00fcrl%u00fckteEsnek poli%u00fcretan k%u00f6p%u00fc%u011f%u00fcn t%u00fcketici sonras%u0131 ak%u0131beti, onu i%u00e7eren %u00fcr%u00fcn%u00fcn ak%u0131betine ba%u011fl%u0131d%u0131r. Bug%u00fcn Avrupa'da, %u00f6nemli miktarda mobilya ve %u015filte hala %u00e7%u00f6pe at%u0131lmakta veya yak%u0131lmaktad%u0131r. AB at%u0131k mevzuat%u0131n%u0131n kademeli olarak uygulanmas%u0131yla bu durum giderek de%u011fi%u015fmektedir. T%u00fcketici sonras%u0131 %u015filteler ve mobilyalar temiz, kuru ve sa%u011flam bir %u015fekilde toplan%u0131p s%u00f6k%u00fcld%u00fc%u011f%u00fcnde, poli%u00fcretan%u0131n tam potansiyeliyle geri d%u00f6n%u00fc%u015f%u00fcm%u00fc m%u00fcmk%u00fcn hale gelir.Bununla birlikte, termoset bir polimer olarak - ve termoplastiklerin aksine - PU k%u00f6p%u00fck, yeni %u00fcr%u00fcnler yapmak i%u00e7in kullan%u0131m %u00f6mr%u00fcn%u00fcn sonunda eritilemez. Bu nedenle %u00e7e%u015fitli geri d%u00f6n%u00fc%u015f%u00fcm teknolojilerinin geli%u015ftirilmesi gerekmi%u015ftir. G%u00fcn%u00fcm%u00fczde bunlardan ba%u015fl%u0131ca ikisi fiziksel (mekanik) geri d%u00f6n%u00fc%u015f%u00fcm ve geli%u015fmi%u015f (depolimerizasyon) geri d%u00f6n%u00fc%u015f%u00fcmd%u00fcr.Mekanik geri d%u00f6n%u00fc%u015f%u00fcm, nispeten daha basit bir proses olmas%u0131n%u0131n yan%u0131 s%u0131ra daha iyi bir %u00e7evresel etkiye sahip olmas%u0131 nedeniyle g%u00fcn%u00fcm%u00fczde en %u00e7ok tercih edilen geri d%u00f6n%u00fc%u015f%u00fcm t%u00fcr%u00fcd%u00fcr. Bu geri d%u00f6n%u00fc%u015f%u00fcm y%u00f6ntemi, malzemenin fiziksel %u00f6zelliklerini daha sonraki i%u015flemler i%u00e7in daha uygun bir forma d%u00f6n%u00fc%u015ft%u00fcr%u00fcr ve PU malzemenin kimyasal bile%u015fimi de%u011fi%u015fmez. En yayg%u0131n y%u00f6ntem, esnek PU k%u00f6p%u00fc%u011f%u00fcn (%u00fcretim kesintileri ve kullan%u0131m %u00f6mr%u00fcn%u00fc tamamlam%u0131%u015f k%u00f6p%u00fck) trim (k%u00f6p%u00fck s%u00fcr%u00fcleri) olarak adland%u0131r%u0131lan ve yeniden ba%u011flanm%u0131%u015f k%u00f6p%u00fck haline gelebilen ve %u00f6rne%u011fin hal%u0131 altl%u0131%u011f%u0131, spor paspaslar%u0131 ve akustik yal%u0131t%u0131m%u0131n yan%u0131 s%u0131ra %u015filteler ve mobilya yast%u0131klar%u0131 gibi yeni %u00fcr%u00fcnlerde kullan%u0131ld%u0131%u011f%u0131 yeniden ba%u011flama (rebonding) olarak adland%u0131r%u0131l%u0131r.Geli%u015fmi%u015f geri d%u00f6n%u00fc%u015f%u00fcm y%u00f6ntemleriyle (depolimerizasyon), at%u0131k PU k%u00f6p%u00fc%u011f%u00fcn kimyasal bile%u015fimi, orijinal hammaddelerin geri kazan%u0131lmas%u0131 amac%u0131yla hedeflenen ba%u011flar%u0131n par%u00e7alanmas%u0131 ve yeniden bi%u00e7imlendirilmesi yoluyla de%u011fi%u015ftirilir. Depolimerizasyon teknolojisi enUse Phase: Negligible Impact on the LCA Flexible PU foam is a durable material, made to last for the whole lifetime of the product that contains it. That is why you never have to change the foam in a mattress or a car seat and save resources by not having to procure replacement parts. End-of-life: Various Initiatives in PlaceThe post-consumer fate of flexible polyurethane foam is dependent on the fate of the product that contains it. Today in Europe, a significant amount of furniture and mattresses are still being landfilled or incinerated. This is progressively changing with the gradual implementation of EU waste legislation. When post-consumer mattresses and furniture are collected and dismantled in a clean, dry, and sound way, then recycling of polyurethane at its full potential becomes possible.However, as a thermosetting polymer %u2013 and contrary to thermoplastics %u2013 PU foam cannot just be melted at the end of its useful life to make new products. This is why a variety of recycling technologies had to be developed. Two main ones today are physical (or mechanical) recycling and advanced (or depolymerisation) recycling. Mechanical recycling is today the overwhelming type of recycling due to comparatively simpler process, as well as due to having a better environmental impact. This recycling method changes the physical properties of the material to a form more suitable for further processing and the chemical composition of the PU material is not changed. The most common method is called rebonding, in which the flexible PU foam (production cut-offs and end-of-life foam) is transformed into so-called trim (foam flocks), which in turn can become rebonded foam, and used in new products such as e.g. carpet underlay, gym mats, acoustic insulation, as well as mattresses and furniture cushioning.With advanced recycling methods (depolymerisation), the chemical composition of the waste PU foam is changed by breaking down and reforming the targeted bonds, with the goal of recovery of the original raw materials. Depolymerisation technology has been used at industrial scale (in Europe) since 2013 for post-industrial flexible PU foam and since 2021 for post-consumer flexible PU foam from end-of-life mattresses. Currently there are three operational depolymerisation plants for waste mattresses. One may wonder why recycling efforts for polyurethanes focus on mattresses and furniture. The answer is relatively simple: the products themselves are relatively easy to dismantle and contain large amounts of