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                                    26AYSAD%u2019dan Haberler / News from AYSADile d%u00fcnya pazarlar%u0131na %u00e7%u0131karmam%u0131z gerekiyor. %u00d6nceli%u011fimiz kaliteli %u00fcr%u00fcn ve i%u015f g%u00fcc%u00fc ile k%u00fcresel pazarda bir marka de%u011feri olu%u015fturmak ve bu do%u011frultuda yurt d%u0131%u015f%u0131ndan gelecek talebi art%u0131rmak olmal%u0131%u201d dedi.Ekonomist Ali A%u011fao%u011flu yapt%u0131%u011f%u0131 konu%u015fmada, d%u00fcnya ve T%u00fcrkiye ekonomisini de%u011ferlendirdi. En b%u00fcy%u00fck sorun gibi alg%u0131lanan %u201cKara Ku%u011fu%u201d %u00c7in%u2019in b%u00fcy%u00fcmesinin ve n%u00fcfusunun d%u00fc%u015ft%u00fc%u011f%u00fcn%u00fc buna kar%u015f%u0131n %u00c7in%u2019in devlet politikas%u0131 olarak %u015firketleri desteklendi%u011fini ve bu %u015fekilde pazar pay%u0131 kazanmaya devam etti%u011fini ve %u00fclkeye dolar %u00e7ekti%u011fine ancak batan %u015firketler sebebi ile ekonomiyi art%u0131k b%u00fcy%u00fctemedi%u011fini belirtti. T%u00fcrkiye%u2019nin en bor%u00e7lu %u00fclkelerden biri olmad%u0131%u011f%u0131n%u0131 ve 2020 y%u0131l%u0131ndan bu yana %u201cnet bor%u00e7 %u00f6deyicisi%u201d %u00fclke oldu%u011funu belirten A%u011fao%u011flu, T%u00fcrkiye%u2019de kurun serbest b%u0131rak%u0131lmas%u0131n%u0131n m%u00fcthi%u015f bir enflasyon dalgas%u0131 yarataca%u011f%u0131n%u0131 ancak gen%u00e7lere d%u00fc%u015f%u00fck enflasyon b%u0131rak%u0131lmas%u0131 gerekti%u011fini s%u00f6yledi. Ekonomist Meliha Okur%u2019un moderat%u00f6rl%u00fc%u011f%u00fcn%u00fc yapt%u0131%u011f%u0131 panelde Birle%u015fmi%u015f Markalar Derne%u011fi Ba%u015fkan%u0131 Sinan %u00d6ncel, ProLab Ayakkab%u0131 Kurucu Orta%u011f%u0131 Levent S%u0131pak ve AYSAD Y%u00f6netim Kurulu Ba%u015fkan%u0131 Sait Sal%u0131c%u0131 g%u00f6r%u00fc%u015flerini payla%u015ft%u0131lar.Etkinli%u011fe Teknik Kimya, G%u00fc%u00e7l%u00fc Adhesive, Filtex Nonwowes, Ege Taban, Artkim Fuarc%u0131l%u0131k, Besa Suni Deri, Eco Kb, %u0130yi Taban firmalar%u0131 sponsor oldu.To make money, we need to accept that T%u00fcrkiye is no longer a %u2018low-cost%u2019 country and we need to place our brands on global shelves with more innovative, branded, and differentiated products. Our priority should be to create brand value in the global market with high-quality products and labor and, accordingly, increase demand from abroad.%u201d Economist Ali A%u011fao%u011flu, in his speech, evaluated both the global and Turkish economies. He noted that the %u201cBlack Swan%u201d event, which is perceived as the biggest issue%u2014China%u2019s decline in growth and population%u2014was being offset by China^%u2019s government support for companies, allowing it to continue gaining market share and attracting dollars, but the economy could no longer grow due to failing companies. A%u011fao%u011flu emphasized that T%u00fcrkiye is not among the most indebted countries and has been a %u201cnet debt payer%u201d since 2020. He also stated that freeing the exchange rate in T%u00fcrkiye would trigger a massive inflation wave, but low inflation should be left as a legacy for the younger generations.In a panel moderated by economist Meliha Okur, United Brands Association President Sinan %u00d6ncel, ProLab Footwear Co-Founder Levent S%u0131pak, and AYSAD President Sait Sal%u0131c%u0131 shared their insights.Teknik Kimya, G%u00fc%u00e7l%u00fc Adhesive, Filtex Nonwowes, Ege Taban, Artkim Fuarc%u0131l%u0131k, Besa Suni Deri, Eco Kb, %u0130yi Taban companies sponsored the event.
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