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                                    25News from AYSAD / AYSAD%u2019dan Haberlerazalmas%u0131 gibi sorunlar t%u00fcm d%u00fcnyada ya%u015fanmakta. Sekt%u00f6r%u00fcm%u00fcz, hepimizin bildi%u011fi gibi, emek yo%u011fun bir sekt%u00f6r. Baz%u0131 devletler emek yo%u011fun sekt%u00f6rlere tam destek verdi%u011fi i%u00e7in bizden hep bir ad%u0131m %u00f6ndeler. Maalesef son 2 y%u0131lda ihracat%u0131m%u0131zda inan%u0131lmaz bir d%u00fc%u015f%u00fc%u015f var. 2023-2024 Ocak %u2013 Temmuz d%u00f6nemi kar%u015f%u0131la%u015ft%u0131r%u0131ld%u0131%u011f%u0131nda y%u00fczde 27,1 d%u00fc%u015f%u00fc%u015f g%u00f6zlemlenmekte. %u0130hracattaki daralman%u0131n tek etkeni tabii ki d%u00f6viz de%u011fil; %u00f6l%u00e7ek ekonomisi, genel giderler, yeterli %u00fcretim kapasitesinin olmamas%u0131 gibi sebepler de bu daralman%u0131n bir par%u00e7as%u0131. %u0130hracatta d%u00fc%u015f%u00fc%u015f olmas%u0131n%u0131n yan%u0131 s%u0131ra ithalatta da art%u0131%u015f var. Hepinizi sekt%u00f6rel milli seferberli%u011fe; zihniyet de%u011fi%u015fimine davet ediyorum. Ayakkab%u0131 yan sanayi %u00fcr%u00fcnleri markala%u015fmaz diye bir %u015fey yok. Ancak bunun i%u00e7in de hep dile getirdi%u011fimiz gibi bir zihniyet devrimine ihtiyac%u0131m%u0131z bulunuyor. Sekt%u00f6r%u00fcn ihtiyac%u0131 olan nitelikli personelin yeti%u015fmesi i%u00e7in e%u011fitimde, %u00fcretimin daha verimli olabilmesi i%u00e7in finansmana eri%u015fimlerde, yerel %u00fcreticilerin daha fazla artmas%u0131 i%u00e7in de yat%u0131r%u0131m kolayl%u0131klar%u0131n%u0131n sa%u011flanmas%u0131nda zihniyet de%u011fi%u015fikliklerine ihtiyac%u0131m%u0131z var. Para kazanmak i%u00e7in d%u00fcnya raflar%u0131na markalar%u0131m%u0131z%u0131 yerle%u015ftirebilmemiz i%u00e7in T%u00fcrkiye art%u0131k maliyetler a%u00e7%u0131s%u0131ndan ucuz bir %u00fclke de%u011fil. Bunu art%u0131k kabullenip daha inovatif, markala%u015fm%u0131%u015f, farkl%u0131la%u015ft%u0131r%u0131lm%u0131%u015f %u00fcr%u00fcnler creased purchasing power are being experienced globally. Our industry, as we all know, is labor-intensive. Some countries are always a step ahead of us because they provide full support to labor-intensive industries. Unfortunately, in the last two years, our exports have significantly decreased. When comparing the January-July period of 2023-2024, a 27.1% decline in exports is observed. The drop in exports is not solely due to currency; factors like economies of scale, overhead costs, and insufficient production capacity are also part of this contraction. In addition to the decline in exports, there is an increase in imports. I invite all of you to a national mobilization in the sector and to a change in mindset. There is no such thing as %u2018footwear sub-industry products cannot be branded.%u2019 However, as we have always stated, we need a mindset revolution for this. There are changes needed in training skilled personnel for the sector, in accessing finance for more efficient production, and in providing investment facilities to increase local manufacturers.
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