Page 24 - Demo
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22S%u00fcrd%u00fcr%u00fclebilirlik / Sustainabilitykazand%u0131. Bir yandan Birle%u015fmi%u015f Milletler S%u00fcrd%u00fcr%u00fclebilir Kalk%u0131nma Ama%u00e7lar%u0131, Avrupa Ye%u015fil Mutabakat%u0131 ve S%u0131n%u0131rda Karbon D%u00fczenlemesi gibi d%u00fczenlemeler sekt%u00f6r%u00fc daha sistematik bir %u00fcretime zorunlu k%u0131larken, di%u011fer yandan bilgi kirlili%u011fi b%u00fcy%u00fck bir sorun te%u015fkil ediyor.%u201dProje kapsam%u0131nda, deri %u00fcretiminde s%u00fcrd%u00fcr%u00fclebilirlik odakl%u0131 becerilerin geli%u015ftirilmesi i%u00e7in g%u00f6rsel ve yaz%u0131l%u0131 kaynaklar%u0131n bir araya getirilece%u011fi bir e-e%u011fitim platformu olu%u015fturulacak. Bu sayede t%u00fcm payda%u015flar, T%u00fcrk%u00e7e olarak bu kaynaklara eri%u015febilecek.E%u011fitim Mod%u00fclleri ve Platformun Eri%u015fimiEge %u00dcniversitesi M%u00fchendislik Fak%u00fcltesi Deri M%u00fchendisli%u011fi B%u00f6l%u00fcm%u00fc%u2019nden Prof. Dr. Mehmet Mete Mutlu, proje kapsam%u0131nda olu%u015fturulacak e%u011fitim platformunda be%u015f farkl%u0131 mod%u00fcl%u00fcn yer alaca%u011f%u0131n%u0131 a%u00e7%u0131klad%u0131. Bu mod%u00fcller, deri %u00fcretiminde s%u00fcrd%u00fcr%u00fclebilirlik i%u00e7in teknolojik y%u00f6nler, %u00e7evresel boyutlar, kalite unsurlar%u0131 ve %u00fcr%u00fcnlerin ya%u015fam d%u00f6ng%u00fcs%u00fcn%u00fc analiz etme y%u00f6ntemleri gibi konular%u0131 kaps%u0131yor. Ayr%u0131ca, s%u00fcrd%u00fcr%u00fclebilirlik ile ilgili teknolojik olmayan unsurlara da e%u011fitimlerde yer verilecek.Platforma eri%u015fim konusunda ise DETEK Ba%u015fkan%u0131 Dr. Murat Tozan, e%u011fitimlerin UDEMY %u00fczerinden %u00fccretsiz olarak T%u00fcrk%u00e7e sunulaca%u011f%u0131n%u0131 ve SULEAP internet sitesi %u00fczerinden t%u00fcm ba%u011flant%u0131lara ula%u015f%u0131labilece%u011fini belirtti. Platformun Kas%u0131m ay%u0131nda tam anlam%u0131yla aktif h%u00e2le gelmesi bekleniyor.However, in recent years, the concept of sustainability has become even more crucial. On one hand, regulations such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the European Green Deal, and the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism require the sector to adopt a more systematic production approach, while on the other, misinformation poses a significant challenge.%u201d Within the project, a visual and written e-learning platform will be created to develop sustainability-focused skills in leather production. Through this platform, all stakeholders will have access to these resources in Turkish. Training Modules and Access to the PlatformProf. Mehmet Mete Mutlu from the Leather Engineering Department of Ege University%u2019s Faculty of Engineering announced that five different modules would be included in the educational platform to be developed within the scope of the project. These modules cover topics such as technological aspects of sustainability in leather production, environmental dimensions, quality elements, and methods for analyzing the life cycle of products. Additionally, non-technological aspects of sustainability will also be addressed in the training. Regarding access to the platform, DETEK President Dr. Murat Tozan stated that the training will be offered for free in Turkish via UDEMY, and all links will be accessible through the SULEAP website. The platform is expected to be fully operational by November.