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                                    10Haber / NewsNike, LeBron TR1 antrenman ayakkab%u0131s%u0131n%u0131 tan%u0131tt%u0131Nike introduces the LeBron TR1 training shoeTR1, %u00f6n ayak esnekli%u011fini odak noktas%u0131na alan ergonomik ve hafif bir tasar%u0131ma sahip olmas%u0131yla %u00f6ne %u00e7%u0131k%u0131yor.TR1 features an ergonomic and lightweight design that emphasizes forefoot flexibility.LeBron James, one of the greatest NBA players of all time, has channeled his unrivaled tenacity into his first training shoe, the LeBron TR1 %u2014 a silhouette that transcends disciplines with an innovative blend of performance and style that helps athletes break barriers and shatter expectations. Redefining the meaning of training shoe stability, the TR1 features an ergonomic and lightweight design that emphasizes forefoot flexibility and delivers best-inclass performance. Designers removed the strobel, or the lowermost portion of the shoe%u2019s upper, allowing the athlete to be closer to the foam cushioning that gives the TR1 its hallmark responsiveness. An inverted waffle outsole created specifically for the TR1 leverages insights from the Nike Sport Research Lab to provide traction where athletes need it most and a sleeker design where they don%u2019t, driving indoor performance and outdoor versatility.A wide last and glove-like bootie construction provide room for athletes%u2019 feet to swell during training, and a daring midsole wrap drives stability, containment and comfort in a striking design meant to be worn outside of the gym.LeBron emphasized style and all-day wearability throughout the design process, appealing to multisport athletes seeking a versatile shoe that delivers both top-tier performance and bold street sensibility. The silhouette reflects LeBron%u2019s holistic approach to training and represents new spaces in his partnership with Nike.NBA tarihinin en b%u00fcy%u00fck oyuncular%u0131ndan biri olan LeBron James, e%u015fsiz kararl%u0131l%u0131%u011f%u0131n%u0131 ilk antrenman ayakkab%u0131s%u0131 olan LeBron TR1'e yans%u0131tt%u0131. LeBron TR1, performans ve stilin inovatif bir kar%u0131%u015f%u0131m%u0131n%u0131 sunarak sporcular%u0131n s%u0131n%u0131rlar%u0131 a%u015fmalar%u0131na ve beklentilerin %u00f6tesine ge%u00e7melerine yard%u0131mc%u0131 olan bir modeldir. TR1 antrenman ayakkab%u0131s%u0131, stabiliteyi yeniden tan%u0131ml%u0131yor. Ergonomik ve hafif tasar%u0131m%u0131, %u00f6n ayak esnekli%u011fine vurgu yaparak birinci s%u0131n%u0131f performans sunuyor. Tasar%u0131mc%u0131lar%u0131n, ayakkab%u0131n%u0131n %u00fcst k%u0131sm%u0131n%u0131n en alt katman%u0131 olan diki%u015f taban%u0131n%u0131 (strobel) kald%u0131rmas%u0131yla sporcular, TR1%u2019in k%u00f6p%u00fck dolgusunu daha yo%u011fun hissedebiliyor. Bu, TR1%u2019e ayak hareketlerine h%u0131zl%u0131 ve etkili bir %u015fekilde yan%u0131t verme %u00f6zelli%u011fi sa%u011fl%u0131yor. Nike Sport Research Lab%u2019den elde edilen verilerle %u00f6zel olarak tasarlanan ters waffle d%u0131%u015f taban%u0131, sporcular%u0131n en %u00e7ok ihtiya%u00e7 duydu%u011fu zamanlarda tutunma sa%u011fl%u0131yor ve %u015f%u0131k bir tasar%u0131m sunarak i%u00e7 mekan performans%u0131n%u0131 ve d%u0131%u015f mekan %u00e7ok y%u00f6nl%u00fcl%u00fc%u011f%u00fcn%u00fc art%u0131r%u0131yor.Geni%u015f taban%u0131 ve eldiven benzeri yap%u0131s%u0131, sporcular%u0131n antrenman s%u0131ras%u0131nda ayaklar%u0131n%u0131n geni%u015flemesi i%u00e7in alan sa%u011flarken; iddial%u0131 orta taban kaplamas%u0131, spor salonu d%u0131%u015f%u0131nda da giyilebilecek %u00e7arp%u0131c%u0131 bir tasar%u0131m olu%u015fturarak denge, koruma ve konfor sa%u011fl%u0131yor.LeBron, tasar%u0131m s%u00fcreci boyunca modelin stili ve t%u00fcm g%u00fcn giyilebilir olma %u00f6zelli%u011fine vurgu yapan, farkl%u0131 alanlardaki sporcular i%u00e7in hem %u00fcst d%u00fczey performans hem de iddial%u0131 bir sokak esteti%u011fi sunan %u00e7ok y%u00f6nl%u00fc bir ayakkab%u0131 olu%u015fturmay%u0131 ama%u00e7lad%u0131. LeBron'un Nike ile olan ortakl%u0131%u011f%u0131nda yeni alanlar%u0131 temsil eden model, efsane sporcunun antrenmana olan b%u00fct%u00fcnsel yakla%u015f%u0131m%u0131n%u0131 yans%u0131t%u0131yor. Kaynak / Source: 
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