Page 74 - Demo
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72 Eyl%u00fcl - September / Ekim - October 2024 Bilimsel / Scientific72Bu k%u00f6p%u00fcrme i%u015fleminin ger%u00e7ekle%u015fmesi i%u00e7in %u0131s%u0131l i%u015flem gerekti%u011finden, %u0131s%u0131t%u0131lm%u0131%u015f kal%u0131plarda NIPU k%u00f6p%u00fcklerinin %u00fcretimi, %u00f6zellikle de kompleks %u015fekilli k%u00f6p%u00fckler (araba koltuklar%u0131, ayakkab%u0131 tabanlar%u0131, vb.) i%u00e7in olduk%u00e7a uygundur. Ancak, bir%u00e7ok k%u00f6p%u00fck %u00fcreticisi taraf%u0131ndan talep edilen oda s%u0131cakl%u0131%u011f%u0131nda h%u0131zl%u0131 k%u00f6p%u00fcrmeye uygun de%u011fildir.CERM ara%u015ft%u0131rmac%u0131s%u0131 Maxime Bourguignon, %u201cPatent ba%u015fvurusu hen%u00fcz yap%u0131lm%u0131%u015f olan yeni bir ara%u015ft%u0131rma projesinde, bu prosesin oda s%u0131cakl%u0131%u011f%u0131ndaki form%u00fclasyonlardan NIPU k%u00f6p%u00fcklerini rekor s%u00fcrede nas%u0131l %u00fcretebilece%u011fini ve k%u00f6p%u00fcrt%u00fcc%u00fc maddeyi %u00fcretmek i%u00e7in su kullanmay%u0131 s%u00fcrd%u00fcrd%u00fc%u011f%u00fcn%u00fc g%u00f6steriyoruz%u201d diyor. %u201cBuradaki fikir, kendili%u011finden ve h%u0131zla olu%u015fan kademeli reaksiyonlar yaratmak ve b%u00f6ylece geleneksel izosiyanat bazl%u0131 s%u00fcreci taklit ederek NIPU matrisinin %u00fcretimini ve k%u00f6p%u00fcrmesini h%u0131zland%u0131rmakt%u0131r. %u201cBu nedenle, hem sert hem de esnek PU k%u00f6p%u00fcklerin neredeyse t%u00fcm uygulamalar%u0131, %u00fcretimleri i%u00e7in harici bir %u0131s%u0131 kayna%u011f%u0131 kullan%u0131lmas%u0131na gerek kalmadan bu teknoloji kullan%u0131larak %u00f6ng%u00f6r%u00fclebilir. Dahas%u0131, y%u00fcksek biyobazl%u0131 i%u00e7eri%u011fe (%70-%90) sahip k%u00f6p%u00fckler iki dakikadan k%u0131sa bir s%u00fcrede kolayca %u00fcretilebilir. %u015eimdi geriye kalan tek %u015fey, olduk%u00e7a muhafazak%u00e2r olan PU k%u00f6p%u00fck %u00fcreticilerini, yeni yasal gerekliliklere, sosyal ihtiya%u00e7lara ve s%u00fcrd%u00fcr%u00fclebilirlik zorunluluklar%u0131m%u0131za cevap vermesi beklenen yeni nesil k%u00f6p%u00fckl%u00fc malzemelerin %u00fcretimi i%u00e7in bu prosesi kullanmaya ikna etmek.%u201dAkademik referans: Maxime Bourguignon et al, Cascade Exotherms for Rapidly Producing Hybrid Nonisocyanate Polyurethane Foams from Room Temperature Formulations, Journal of the American Chemical Society (2023). DOI: 10.1021/jacs.3c11637shoe soles, etc.). However, it is not adapted to the rapid foaming at room temperature demanded by many foam producers. \ a new research project, for which a patent has just been filed, we are demonstrating how this process can produce NIPU foams from room-temperature formulations in record time, still using water to generate the foaming agent,\explains CERM researcher Maxime Bourguignon. \is to create cascade reactions that spontaneously and rapidly generate, thereby speeding up the manufacture of the NIPU matrix and its foaming by mimicking the traditional isocyanate-based process. \foams, both rigid and flexible, can therefore be envisaged using this technology, without requiring the use of an external heat source for their manufacture. What's more, foams with a high biobased content (70%%u201390%) can easily be produced in less than two minutes. All that remains now is to convince PU foam producers, who are very conservative, to use this process for producing the next generation of foamed materials that are expected to answer the new legislative requirements, social needs and our sustainability imperatives,\cludes Detrembleur.Kaynak / Source: