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67Yeni yakla%u015f%u0131m, ara%u015ft%u0131rmac%u0131lar%u0131n par%u00e7alama ve yeniden yap%u0131land%u0131rma olarak tan%u0131mlad%u0131klar%u0131 olguyu i%u00e7eriyor. Yakla%u015f%u0131m, %u00f6nce k%u00f6p%u00fc%u011f%u00fcn k%u00fc%u00e7%u00fck par%u00e7alar halinde %u00f6%u011f%u00fct%u00fclmesini ve ard%u0131ndan k%u00f6p%u00fc%u011f%u00fcn t%u00fcr%u00fcne ba%u011fl%u0131 olarak dimetilformamid ve uygun bir kataliz%u00f6r i%u00e7inde bekletilmesini kaps%u0131yor. S%u00fcre de i%u015flenen %u00f6zel malzemeye ba%u011fl%u0131 olarak de%u011fi%u015fiyor. Elde edilen malzeme daha sonra yeni bir polimer a%u011f%u0131n%u0131n yeniden yap%u0131land%u0131r%u0131lmas%u0131 i%u00e7in bir ba%u015flang%u0131%u00e7 olarak kullan%u0131l%u0131yor, bu da %u00f6n k%u00fcrleme ve ard%u0131ndan son k%u00fcrleme yoluyla ger%u00e7ekle%u015ftiriliyor. Bu, malzemeyi 3D bask%u0131 re%u00e7inesi olarak kullan%u0131labilecek %u00e7ift a%u011fl%u0131 bir malzemeye d%u00f6n%u00fc%u015ft%u00fcr%u00fcyor. Ayr%u0131ca orijinal k%u00f6p%u00fckle ayn%u0131 %u015fekilde kimyasal olarak par%u00e7alanabiliyor.Ara%u015ft%u0131rma ekibi, proseslerinin poli%u00fcretan k%u00f6p%u00fcklerin %u00e7evresel etkisini azaltma ve 3D nesnelerin bas%u0131lmas%u0131 i%u00e7in temel malzeme olarak hizmet etmenin yan%u0131 s%u0131ra orijinal malzemelerin maliyetini d%u00fc%u015f%u00fcrmek i%u00e7in de kullan%u0131labilece%u011fini iddia ediyor. Ayr%u0131ca y%u00f6ntemlerinin polyesterler ve epoksiler gibi di%u011fer malzemelerle kullan%u0131lmak %u00fczere uyarlanabilece%u011fini de %u00f6ne s%u00fcr%u00fcyorlar.Akademik referans: Zenghe Liu et al, Chemical upcycling of commodity thermoset polyurethane foams towards high-performance 3D photo-printing resins, Nature Chemistry (2023). DOI: 10.1038/s41557-023-01308-9Poli%u00fcretan (PUR) yataklarda, buzdolaplar%u0131nda ve bina yal%u0131t%u0131m%u0131nda, ayakkab%u0131larda, arabalarda, u%u00e7aklarda, r%u00fczgar t%u00fcrbini kanatlar%u0131nda, kablolarda ve daha bir%u00e7ok alanda kullan%u0131lan vazge%u00e7ilmez bir plastik malzemedir. E%u011fer %u00e7evreye ve iklime y%u00fck olmasayd%u0131 harika bir malzeme olarak tan%u0131mlanabilirdi. D%u00fcnya %u00e7ap%u0131nda at%u0131lan PUR %u00fcr%u00fcnlerinin %u00e7o%u011fu yak%u0131lmakta veya %u00e7%u00f6pl%u00fcklere at%u0131lmaktad%u0131r.Bu durum sorunludur, %u00e7%u00fcnk%u00fc malzemenin ana bile%u015fenleri b%u00fcy%u00fck %u00f6l%u00e7%u00fcde fosil petrolden elde edilmekte ve bu %u00f6nemli miktarlarda ger%u00e7ekle%u015fmektedir. 2022 y%u0131l%u0131nda global PUR pazar%u0131 neredeyse 26 milyon tona ula%u015ft%u0131 ve 2030 y%u0131l%u0131 i%u00e7in yap%u0131lan bir tahmin, yakla%u015f%u0131k %60'%u0131 farkl%u0131 k%u00f6p%u00fck t%u00fcrleri olmak %u00fczere yakla%u015f%u0131k 31,3 milyon ton %u00f6ng%u00f6r%u00fcyor.Bununla birlikte, PUR'u kimyasal olarak orijinal ana bile%u015fenleri olan poliol ve izosiyanata par%u00e7alayan (depovolves first grinding up the foam into tiny bits and then soaking them in dimethylformamide and an appropriate catalyst, depending on the type of foam being treated. The duration is also dependent on the particular material being treated. The resulting material is then used as a starter for reconstructing a new polymer network, which is accomplished via precuring and then post-curing. This converts the material into a double-network material that can be used as a 3D printing resin. It can also be fragmented chemically in the same way as the original foam.The research team claims that their process could be used to reduce the environmental impact of polyurethane foams and also to bring down the cost of the original materials, in addition to serving as base material for printing 3D objects. They also suggest that their method could be adapted for use with other materials, such as polyesters and epoxies.Journal reference: Zenghe Liu et al, Chemical upcycling of commodity thermoset polyurethane foams towards high-performance 3D photo-printing resins, Nature Chemistry (2023). DOI: 10.1038/s41557-023-01308-9Polyurethane (PUR) is an indispensable plastic material used in mattresses, insulation in refrigerators and buildings, shoes, cars, airplanes, wind turbine blades, cables, and much more. It could be called a wonder material if it weren't also an environmental and climate burden. Most of the PUR products discarded worldwide end up being incinerated or dumped in landfills.This is problematic because the main components of the material are primarily extracted from fossil oil. And we're talking about significant quantities. In 2022, the global market for PUR reached almost 26 million tons, and a forecast for 2030 predicts nearly 31.3 million tons, with about 60% being foam in various forms.However, there is a small but growing industry that chemically breaks down (depolymerizes) PUR into its original main components, polyol and isocyanate, with the aim of reusing them as raw materials in new PUR products.Bilimsel / ScientificPoli%u00fcretan%u0131 geri d%u00f6n%u00fc%u015ft%u00fcrmenin yeni bir yoluA new way to recycle polyurethaneKaynak / Source: