Page 64 - Demo
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62 Eyl%u00fcl - September / Ekim - October 2024 2. Piroliz: Piroliz, kompozit malzemeleri oksijen yoklu%u011funda %u0131s%u0131tmay%u0131, onlar%u0131 gazlara, s%u0131v%u0131lara ve kat%u0131 kal%u0131nt%u0131lara ay%u0131rmay%u0131 i%u00e7erir. Bu teknikteki geli%u015fmeler, geri kazan%u0131lan liflerin kalitesini art%u0131rarak bunlar%u0131 y%u00fcksek performansl%u0131 uygulamalarda yeniden kullan%u0131ma uygun hale getirmi%u015ftir.3. Hidrotermal %u0130%u015fleme: Bu y%u00f6ntem, kompozit malzemeleri temel bile%u015fenlerine ay%u0131rmak i%u00e7in s%u00fcperkritik su kullan%u0131r. Son ara%u015ft%u0131rmalar, verimi art%u0131rmak ve enerji t%u00fcketimini azaltmak i%u00e7in i%u015flemi optimize etmeye odaklanm%u0131%u015ft%u0131r.Kompozit Geri D%u00f6n%u00fc%u015f%u00fcm%u00fcnde Ortaya %u00c7%u0131kanTeknolojilerMekanik ve kimyasal geri d%u00f6n%u00fc%u015f%u00fcm%u00fcn %u00f6tesinde, ortaya %u00e7%u0131kan birka%u00e7 teknoloji kompozit geri d%u00f6n%u00fc%u015f%u00fcm%u00fcn%u00fcn zorluklar%u0131n%u0131n %u00fcstesinden gelme konusunda umut vadediyor:1. Mikrodalga Destekli Geri D%u00f6n%u00fc%u015f%u00fcm: Mikrodalga destekli geri d%u00f6n%u00fc%u015f%u00fcm, kompozit malzemelerdeki polimer matrisini se%u00e7ici olarak %u0131s%u0131tmak ve par%u00e7alamak i%u00e7in mikrodalga radyasyonunu kullanan ve karbon veya cam gibi g%u00fc%u00e7lendirici liflerin minimum hasarla geri kazan%u0131lmas%u0131n%u0131 sa%u011flayan yenilik%u00e7i bir tekniktir. %u0130%u015flem, mikrodalgalar%u0131n farkl%u0131 malzemelerle benzersiz etkile%u015fiminden yararlanarak polimer matrisi hedeflerken lifleri b%u00fcy%u00fck %u00f6l%u00e7%u00fcde etkilenmeden b%u0131rak%u0131r. Matris %u0131s%u0131nd%u0131k%u00e7a ve ayr%u0131%u015ft%u0131k%u00e7a, lifler iyi durumda %u00e7%u0131kar%u0131labilir ve them suitable for reuse in high-performance applications.3. Hydrothermal Processing: This method uses supercritical water to break down composite materials into their basic components. Recent research has focused on optimizing the process to increase yield and reduce energy consumption.Emerging Technologies in Composite RecyclingBeyond mechanical and chemical recycling, several emerging technologies show promise in overcoming the challenges of composite recycling:1. Microwave-Assisted Recycling: Microwave-assisted recycling is an innovative technique that uses microwave radiation to selectively heat and break down the polymer matrix in composite materials, allowing for the recovery of reinforcing fibers such as carbon or glass with minimal damage. The process leverages the unique interaction of microwaves with different materials, targeting the polymer matrix while leaving the fibers largely unaffected. As the matrix heats and decomposes, the fibers can be extracted in good condition, retaining their structural properties for reuse. This method is energy-efficient compared to traditional thermal processes and has a lower environmental impact due to the selective heating of the matrix. However, challenges remain in scaling up this technology for industrial use and in fine-tuning the process for different types of composites.%u0130novasyon ve Kompozit / Innovation and Composite