Page 55 - Demo
P. 55

                                    K%u00f6keni ve Kayna%u011f%u0131Sensory Apple Pomace, cider elmas%u0131yla %u00fcnl%u00fc olan Brittany, Fransa%u2019da %u00fcretiliyor. Codif, 1910 y%u0131l%u0131nda ke%u015ffedilen ve ac%u0131 bir elma t%u00fcr%u00fc olan Marie Menard %u00e7e%u015fidini, %u00f6zel %u00f6zellikleri nedeniyle %u00f6zenle se%u00e7iyor. Ekim ortas%u0131nda hasat edilen bu elmalar, Codif%u2019in %u00e7evreye duyarl%u0131 tedarik anlay%u0131%u015f%u0131yla uyumlu olan s%u00fcrd%u00fcr%u00fclebilir bir geri d%u00f6n%u00fc%u015f%u00fcm s%u00fcrecinden ge%u00e7iyor. Elma posas%u0131, kabu%u011fu ve %u00e7ekirdeklerini i%u00e7eren bu posa yeniden kullan%u0131larak, hem at%u0131k azalt%u0131l%u0131yor hem de %u00e7evre i%u00e7in yararl%u0131 bir %u00e7%u00f6z%u00fcm sunuluyor.Kurutulmu%u015f elma posas%u0131, COSMOS ORGANIC standard%u0131na uygun, do%u011fal yap%u0131s%u0131n%u0131 bozmayan bir i%u015flemle mikronize edilerek ince ve dokunsal bir toz haline getirilir: SENSORY APPLE POMACE.Cilt Parlakl%u0131%u011f%u0131 De%u011fi%u015fimi (I%u015f%u0131k Yans%u0131mas%u0131)Protokol%5 PMMA, %5 SENSORY APPLE POMACE veya plasebo i%u00e7eren y%u00fcz pudras%u0131 form%u00fclasyonu.Be%u015f g%u00f6n%u00fcll%u00fcn%u00fcn %u00f6n koluna bir uygulama yap%u0131lm%u0131%u015ft%u0131r.Origins and SourcingSensory Apple Pomace originates from Brittany, France, a region celebrated for its cider apples. Codif carefully selects the %u201cMarie Menard%u201d variety%u2014a bitter apple discovered in 1910%u2014for its unique properties. Harvested in mid-October, these apples undergo a sustainable upcycling process that aligns with Codif%u2019s commitment to eco-responsible sourcing. By reusing the pomace, which includes apple pulp, skin, and seeds, Codif minimizes waste and offers a solution that is both sustainable and beneficial for the environment.The dried apple pomace is then micronised via a nondenaturing process that complies with the COSMOS ORGANIC standard to obtain a fine and tactile powder: SENSORY APPLE POMACE.VARIATION OF SKIN SHINE (light reflection)PROTOCOLFace powder formulated with 5% PMMA or 5% SENSORY APPLE POMACE or placebo.1 application on the forearm of 5 volunteers.53%u00dcr%u00fcn Tan%u0131t%u0131m%u0131 / Product PresentationSENSORY APPLE POMACE Par%u00e7ac%u0131k Boyutu Da%u011f%u0131l%u0131mSENSORY APPLE POMACE Particle size distribution
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