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                                    SENSORY APPLE POMACE PMMA%u2019ya Do%u011fal Alternatif Up-Cycling CollectionSENSORY APPLE POMACE The Green Alternative to PMMAUp-Cycling CollectionKozmetikte s%u00fcrd%u00fcr%u00fclebilir ve %u00e7evre dostu i%u00e7eriklere olan talebin artmas%u0131yla birlikte, Codif%u2019in Sensory Apple Pomace %u00fcr%u00fcn%u00fc benzersiz ve %u00e7ok y%u00f6nl%u00fc bir %u00e7%u00f6z%u00fcm olarak %u00f6ne %u00e7%u0131k%u0131yor. Fransa%u2019n%u0131n Brittany b%u00f6lgesinden gelen, organik Marie Menard elma %u00e7e%u015fidinden elde edilen bu geri d%u00f6n%u00fc%u015ft%u00fcr%u00fclm%u00fc%u015f bile%u015fen, geleneksel sentetik k%u0131vam art%u0131r%u0131c%u0131lara do%u011fal ve mikroplastik i%u00e7ermeyen bir alternatif sunuyor. Sadece i%u00e7ecek end%u00fcstrisinden gelen elma at%u0131klar%u0131n%u0131 yeniden kullanarak s%u00fcrd%u00fcr%u00fclebilir uygulamalar%u0131 desteklemekle kalm%u0131yor, ayn%u0131 zamanda kozmetik form%u00fclasyonlara duyusal avantajlar da kat%u0131yor.With increasing demand for sustainable and ecofriendly ingredients in cosmetics, Sensory Apple Pomace by Codif stands out as a unique and versatile solution. This upcycled ingredient, derived from the organic %u201cMarie Menard%u201d apple variety sourced in Brittany, France, is a natural and microplastic-free alternative to traditional synthetic texturizers. Not only does it support sustainable practices by repurposing apple waste from the beverage industry, but it also brings enhanced sensory benefits to cosmetic formulations.52%u00dcr%u00fcn Tan%u0131t%u0131m%u0131 / Product PresentationINCI: Pyrus malus (apple) fiberEzgi Sezgin G%u00fclniharSat%u0131%u015f Sorumlusu - Kozmetik Departman%u0131Sales Responsible - Cosmetic DepartmentArerko Kimya Sanayi ve Ticaret A.%u015e.
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