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                           EDITORIALSevgili Okuyucular,Dermo-kozmetik sekt%u00f6r%u00fcn%u00fcn gelece%u011fi, bilim, s%u00fcrd%u00fcr%u00fclebilirlik ve ki%u015fiselle%u015ftirme ile %u015fekillenecek. T%u00fcketicilerin dermatolojik uzmanl%u0131kla desteklenen %u00fcr%u00fcnlere olan talebi giderek artarken, bu sekt%u00f6r, teknolojik ilerlemeler ve de%u011fi%u015fen g%u00fczellik standartlar%u0131 ile dinamik bir b%u00fcy%u00fcme potansiyeline sahiptir. Cilt mikrobiyomu ara%u015ft%u0131rmalar%u0131, biyoteknoloji ve temiz form%u00fclasyonlardaki yenilikler, hedefe y%u00f6nelik ve etkili %u00fcr%u00fcnlerin geli%u015fimini yeniden tan%u0131ml%u0131yor. S%u00fcrd%u00fcr%u00fclebilirlik odak noktas%u0131 haline geliyor%u2014temiz g%u00fczellik, %u00e7evre dostu ambalajlar ve i%u00e7eriklerde %u015feffafl%u0131k, t%u00fcketici beklentilerinin %u00f6n s%u0131ralar%u0131nda yer alacak. Bu arada, yapay zeka ve veri analiti%u011fi ile y%u00f6nlendirilen ki%u015fiselle%u015ftirilmi%u015f %u00e7%u00f6z%u00fcmler, bireysel ihtiya%u00e7lara %u00f6zel cilt bak%u0131m programlar%u0131 sunma vaadini ta%u015f%u0131yor. Life Sciences & Ingredients dergisi olarak, bilimsel titizlik ve %u00e7evresel sorumlulu%u011fu birle%u015ftiren dermo-kozmetik alan%u0131ndaki geli%u015fmeleri desteklemeye kararl%u0131y%u0131z ve bu yakla%u015f%u0131m%u0131n etkinlik ve t%u00fcketici g%u00fcvenini art%u0131raca%u011f%u0131na inan%u0131yoruz. Bu say%u0131m%u0131zda ger%u00e7ekle%u015ftirdi%u011fimiz s%u00f6yle%u015fide, Amare T%u00fcrkiye Genel M%u00fcd%u00fcr%u00fc Ersin Ar%u0131soy ile firman%u0131n vizyonu hakk%u0131nda konu%u015ftuk. Amare Global, fiziksel ve zihinsel sa%u011fl%u0131%u011f%u0131 destekleyen takviyeler %u00fcretmek i%u00e7in do%u011fal bile%u015fenleri bilimle birle%u015ftiriyor. 48 %u00fclkede faaliyet g%u00f6steren %u015firketin %u201cYeni Nesil Pazarlama%u201d yakla%u015f%u0131m%u0131, k%u00fcresel %u00e7evrimi%u00e7i i%u015f f%u0131rsatlar%u0131 sunuyor. Wellness Triangle (Sunrise, Sunset, Nitro Plus) gibi %u00fcr%u00fcnleri fiziksel sa%u011fl%u0131%u011f%u0131 geli%u015ftirirken, Amare%u2019nin s%u00fcrd%u00fcr%u00fclebilir kaynak kullan%u0131m%u0131 konusundaki ba%u011fl%u0131l%u0131%u011f%u0131, d%u00fcnya genelinde ekosistemleri ve topluluklar%u0131 desteklemeye katk%u0131da bulunuyor. Bu say%u0131m%u0131zda, ilginizi %u00e7ekece%u011fini d%u00fc%u015f%u00fcnd%u00fc%u011f%u00fcm%u00fcz farkl%u0131 ve teknik makaleler, incelemeler ve sekt%u00f6r haberleri yer al%u0131yor. Bir sonraki bulu%u015fmam%u0131za kadar%u2026Sevgilerimizle,Dear readers, The future of dermo-cosmetics is set to be shaped by science, sustainability, and personalization. As consumers increasingly seek products backed by dermatological expertise, this sector is poised for dynamic growth fueled by technological advancements and changing beauty standards. Innovations in skin microbiome research, biotechnology, and clean formulations are reshaping the development of targeted and effective products. The focus is on sustainability%u2014clean beauty, eco-friendly packaging, and transparency in ingredients will be at the forefront of consumer expectations. Meanwhile, personalized solutions driven by AI and data analytics promise customized skin care regimens tailored to individual needs. As Life Sciences & Ingredients magazine, we are committed to supporting advancements in dermo-cosmetics that blend scientific rigor with environmental responsibility, elevating both efficacy and consumer trust.In the interview we conducted in this issue, we talked to Ersin Ar%u0131soy, General Manager of Amare T%u00fcrkiye, about the vision of the company. Amare Global blends natural ingredients with science to craft supplements that promote both physical and mental well-being. With operations in 48 countries, its %u201cNext Generation Marketing%u201d approach provides global online business opportunities. Products such as the Wellness Triangle (Sunrise, Sunset, Nitro Plus) enhance physical health, while Amare%u2019s dedication to sustainable sourcing contributes to supporting ecosystems and communities across the globe. This issue of our magazine contains many different and technical articles, reviews, and industry news, which we think you%u2019ll read with great interest. Until next time%u2026Sincerely, B. Serhat Cengiz
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